How are you getting on?
good i think. My laptop has not given me any problems but i keep it offline.
My desktop which i metered the other day seems normal. I been running to broker platforms and a data/scanner feed all with real time priorities and they seems to be working fine. my latency is good and the data seems unhindered.
I also run outlook 2003. It is the best. only looks for mail when i want it and all the features still work very well. the metered connection does not affect it.
thought i would throw this out there.
It came back. What a Fkin nuisance.
Everytime i booted it tried to update and it took almost 15 minutes of looping around, aborting, uninstalling etc. before i could get to the desktop
I think i found the in progress update and deleted it. C:/Windows/Softaware Distribution/Downloads
I also tried every registry, gpedit and services trick i could find to stop update. Fingers crossed.
Other than that I have left Windows as much as I possibly can. I am running dual boot on both my machines.
If it weren't for my trading and training programs I would be 99.9% done with it. someday.
C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download is one of the folders cleared out by that reset WU tutorial you used earlier on.
And you metered your connections?
So the relevant registry key looks like my example in post #4?
And you did not go into Settings, Updates, Advanced options and you did not turn on Download updates over metered connections?
And your existing connections are shown as metered in
Manage known networks,
[select each network in turn],
Metered connection - Set as metered connection is On?
[Oh dear, I can see that I did not suggest checking the existing networks before.]
In that case I do not understand why there were any more updates.
Unless, and I'm guessing here, you are on Version 21H1 or earlier. I've never seen how an out-of-date version behaves but I cannot understand how it would run across metered connections anyway.