SKU's supported in the current release:
Code:Win Next Pre-Release CoreConnected OEM:DM Win Next Pre-Release CoreConnected OEM:NONSLP Win Next Pre-Release CoreConnected Retail Win Next Pre-Release CoreConnected Volume:GVLK Win Next Pre-Release CoreConnected Volume:MAK Win Next Pre-Release CoreConnectedCountrySpecific OEM:DM Win Next Pre-Release CoreConnectedCountrySpecific OEM:NONSLP Win Next Pre-Release CoreConnectedCountrySpecific Retail Win Next Pre-Release CoreConnectedCountrySpecific Volume:GVLK Win Next Pre-Release CoreConnectedCountrySpecific Volume:MAK Win Next Pre-Release CoreConnectedN OEM:DM Win Next Pre-Release CoreConnectedN OEM:NONSLP Win Next Pre-Release CoreConnectedN Retail Win Next Pre-Release CoreConnectedN Volume:GVLK Win Next Pre-Release CoreConnectedN Volume:MAK Win Next Pre-Release CoreConnectedSingleLanguage OEM:DM Win Next Pre-Release CoreConnectedSingleLanguage OEM:NONSLP Win Next Pre-Release CoreConnectedSingleLanguage Retail Win Next Pre-Release CoreConnectedSingleLanguage Volume:GVLK Win Next Pre-Release CoreConnectedSingleLanguage Volume:MAK Win Next Pre-Release ProfessionalStudent OEM:DM Win Next Pre-Release ProfessionalStudent OEM:NONSLP Win Next Pre-Release ProfessionalStudent Retail Win Next Pre-Release ProfessionalStudent Volume:GVLK Win Next Pre-Release ProfessionalStudent Volume:MAK Win Next Pre-Release ProfessionalStudentN OEM:DM Win Next Pre-Release ProfessionalStudentN OEM:NONSLP Win Next Pre-Release ProfessionalStudentN Retail Win Next Pre-Release ProfessionalStudentN Volume:GVLK Win Next Pre-Release ProfessionalStudentN Volume:MAK Win Next Pre-Release Professional Volume:MAK Win Next Pre-Release ProfessionalN Volume:MAK Win Next Pre-Release Enterprise Volume:MAK Win Next Pre-Release EnterpriseN Volume:MAK Windows Embedded Industry 8.1 RTM EmbeddedIndustryEval Retail:TB:Eval Windows Embedded Industry 8.1 RTM EmbeddedIndustryEval Retail:TB:Eval Windows Embedded Industry 8.1 RTM EmbeddedIndustryEval Retail:TB:Eval Windows Embedded Industry 8.1 RTM EmbeddedIndustry Retail Windows Embedded Industry 8.1 RTM EmbeddedIndustry OEM:NONSLP Windows Embedded Industry 8.1 RTM EmbeddedIndustry OEM:NONSLP Windows Embedded Industry 8.1 RTM EmbeddedIndustry OEM:NONSLP Windows Embedded Industry 8.1 RTM EmbeddedIndustry OEM:NONSLP Windows Embedded Industry 8.1 RTM EmbeddedIndustry OEM:DM Windows Embedded Industry 8.1 RTM EmbeddedIndustry OEM:DM Windows Embedded Industry 8.1 RTM EmbeddedIndustry OEM:DM Windows Embedded Industry 8.1 RTM EmbeddedIndustry OEM:DM Windows Embedded Industry 8.1 RTM EmbeddedIndustry OEM:DM Windows Embedded Industry 8.1 RTM EmbeddedIndustry Volume:MAK Windows Embedded Industry 8.1 RTM EmbeddedIndustry Volume:GVLK Windows Embedded Industry 8.1 RTM EmbeddedIndustryEEval Retail:TB:Eval Windows Embedded Industry 8.1 RTM EmbeddedIndustryEEval Retail:TB:Eval Windows Embedded Industry 8.1 RTM EmbeddedIndustryEEval Retail:TB:Eval Windows Embedded Industry 8.1 RTM EmbeddedIndustryE Retail Windows Embedded Industry 8.1 RTM EmbeddedIndustryE Volume:MAK Windows Embedded Industry 8.1 RTM EmbeddedIndustryE Volume:GVLK Windows Embedded Industry 8.1 RTM EmbeddedIndustryA OEM:NONSLP Windows Embedded Industry 8.1 RTM EmbeddedIndustryA OEM:DM Windows Embedded Industry 8.1 RTM EmbeddedIndustryA OEM:DM Windows Embedded Industry 8.1 RTM EmbeddedIndustryA OEM:DM Windows Embedded Industry 8.1 RTM EmbeddedIndustryA OEM:DM Windows Embedded Industry 8.1 RTM EmbeddedIndustryA Volume:MAK Windows Embedded Industry 8.1 RTM EmbeddedIndustryA Volume:GVLK Win 8.1 RTM Core OEM:DM Win 8.1 RTM CoreN OEM:DM Win 8.1 RTM CoreCountrySpecific OEM:DM Win 8.1 RTM CoreSingleLanguage OEM:DM Win 8.1 RTM CoreARM OEM:DM Win 8.1 RTM Professional OEM:DM Win 8.1 RTM Professional OEM:DM Win 8.1 RTM ProfessionalN OEM:DM Win 8.1 RTM Core OEM:NONSLP Win 8.1 RTM CoreN OEM:NONSLP Win 8.1 RTM CoreCountrySpecific OEM:NONSLP Win 8.1 RTM CoreSingleLanguage OEM:NONSLP Win 8.1 RTM CoreARM OEM:NONSLP Win 8.1 RTM Professional OEM:NONSLP Win 8.1 RTM ProfessionalN OEM:NONSLP Win 8.1 RTM EnterpriseNEval Retail:TB:Eval Win 8.1 RTM EnterpriseEval Retail:TB:Eval Win 8.1 RTM Professional;ProfessionalN;Enterprise;EnterpriseN Volume:MAK Win 8.1 RTM Core Retail Win 8.1 RTM CoreN Retail Win 8.1 RTM Professional Retail Win 8.1 RTM ProfessionalN Retail Win 8.1 RTM ProfessionalN Retail Win 8.1 RTM Core OEM:DM Win 8.1 RTM CoreSingleLanguage OEM:DM Win 8.1 RTM CoreARM OEM:DM Win 8.1 RTM ProfessionalN Volume:GVLK Win 8.1 RTM Professional Volume:GVLK Win 8.1 RTM EnterpriseN Volume:GVLK Win 8.1 RTM Enterprise Volume:GVLK Win 8.1 RTM CoreN Volume:GVLK Win 8.1 RTM CoreCountrySpecific Volume:GVLK Win 8.1 RTM CoreSingleLanguage Volume:GVLK Win 8.1 RTM Core Volume:GVLK Win 8.1 RTM ProfessionalWMC Volume:GVLK Win 8.1 RTM CoreARM Volume:GVLK Win 8.1 RTM ProfessionalWMC Retail Win 8.1 RTM ProfessionalWMC Retail Win 8.1 RTM ProfessionalWMC Retail Win 8.1 RTM CoreConnected OEM:DM Win 8.1 RTM CoreConnected OEM:DM Win 8.1 RTM CoreConnected OEM:NONSLP Win 8.1 RTM CoreConnected Retail Win 8.1 RTM CoreConnected Volume:GVLK Win 8.1 RTM CoreConnectedN OEM:DM Win 8.1 RTM CoreConnectedN OEM:NONSLP Win 8.1 RTM CoreConnectedN Retail Win 8.1 RTM CoreConnectedN Volume:GVLK Win 8.1 RTM ProfessionalStudent OEM:DM Win 8.1 RTM ProfessionalStudent OEM:DM Win 8.1 RTM ProfessionalStudent OEM:NONSLP Win 8.1 RTM ProfessionalStudent Retail Win 8.1 RTM ProfessionalStudent Volume:GVLK Win 8.1 RTM ProfessionalStudentN OEM:DM Win 8.1 RTM ProfessionalStudentN OEM:NONSLP Win 8.1 RTM ProfessionalStudentN Retail Win 8.1 RTM ProfessionalStudentN Volume:GVLK Win 8.1 RTM CoreConnectedSingleLanguage OEM:DM Win 8.1 RTM CoreConnectedSingleLanguage OEM:DM Win 8.1 RTM CoreConnectedSingleLanguage OEM:NONSLP Win 8.1 RTM CoreConnectedSingleLanguage Volume:GVLK Win 8.1 RTM CoreConnectedCountrySpecific OEM:DM Win 8.1 RTM CoreConnectedCountrySpecific OEM:NONSLP Win 8.1 RTM CoreConnectedCountrySpecific Volume:GVLK Win 8 RTM CoreN Retail Win 8 RTM Core Retail Win 8 RTM ProfessionalN Retail Win 8 RTM ProfessionalN Retail Win 8 RTM Professional Retail Win 8 RTM Professional Retail Win 8 RTM ProfessionalWMC Retail Win 8 RTM ProfessionalWMC Retail Win 8 RTM ProfessionalWMC Retail Win 8 RTM CoreN OEM:DM Win 8 RTM CoreN OEM:NONSLP Win 8 RTM CoreCountrySpecific OEM:DM Win 8 RTM CoreCountrySpecific OEM:NONSLP Win 8 RTM CoreSingleLanguage OEM:DM Win 8 RTM CoreSingleLanguage OEM:NONSLP Win 8 RTM Core OEM:DM Win 8 RTM Core OEM:NONSLP Win 8 RTM ProfessionalN OEM:DM Win 8 RTM ProfessionalN OEM:NONSLP Win 8 RTM Professional OEM:DM Win 8 RTM Professional OEM:NONSLP Win 8 RTM Core OEM:DM Win 8 RTM Professional OEM:DM Win 8 RTM CoreARM OEM:DM Win 8 RTM CoreARM Retail Win 8 RTM CoreCountrySpecific Retail Win 8 RTM CoreSingleLanguage Retail Win 8 RTM CoreSingleLanguage OEM:DM Win 8 RTM CoreARM OEM:DM Win 8 RTM CoreARM OEM:NONSLP Win 8 RTM APPXLOB-Client Volume:MAK Windows Server 12 R2 RTM ServerStandard Retail Windows Server 12 R2 RTM ServerStandardEval Retail:TB:Eval Windows Server 12 R2 RTM ServerStandard OEM:SLP Windows Server 12 R2 RTM ServerStandard OEM:SLP (MUI locked to zh-CN) Windows Server 12 R2 RTM ServerStandard OEM:NONSLP Windows Server 12 R2 RTM ServerStandard OEM:NONSLP (MUI locked to zh-CN) Windows Server 12 R2 RTM ServerStandard Volume:MAK Windows Server 12 R2 RTM ServerStandard Volume:GVLK Windows Server 12 R2 RTM ServerDatacenter Retail Windows Server 12 R2 RTM ServerDatacenterEval Retail:TB:Eval Windows Server 12 R2 RTM ServerDatacenter OEM:SLP Windows Server 12 R2 RTM ServerDatacenter OEM:SLP (MUI locked to zh-CN) Windows Server 12 R2 RTM ServerDatacenter OEM:NONSLP Windows Server 12 R2 RTM ServerDatacenter OEM:NONSLP (MUI locked to zh-CN) Windows Server 12 R2 RTM ServerDatacenter Volume:MAK Windows Server 12 R2 RTM ServerDatacenter Volume:GVLK Windows Server 12 R2 RTM ServerWinFoundation OEM:SLP Windows Server 12 R2 RTM ServerWinFoundation OEM:SLP (MUI locked to zh-CN) Windows Server 12 R2 RTM ServerWinFoundation OEM:NONSLP Windows Server 12 R2 RTM ServerWinFoundation OEM:NONSLP (MUI locked to zh-CN) Windows Server 12 R2 RTM ServerWinFoundation Retail Windows Server 12 R2 RTM ServerStandard VT:IA Windows Server 12 R2 RTM ServerDatacenter VT:IA ServerCloudStorage 12 R2 RTM ServerCloudStorage Retail ServerCloudStorage 12 R2 RTM ServerCloudStorage OEM:SLP ServerCloudStorage 12 R2 RTM ServerCloudStorage OEM:NONSLP ServerCloudStorage 12 R2 RTM ServerCloudStorage Volume:GVLK Windows Server Essentials 2012 R2 RTM ServerSolution OEM:SLP Windows Server Essentials 2012 R2 RTM ServerSolution OEM:SLP (MUI locked to zh-CN) Windows Server Essentials 2012 R2 RTM ServerSolution OEM:NONSLP Windows Server Essentials 2012 R2 RTM ServerSolution OEM:NONSLP (MUI locked to zh-CN) Windows Server Essentials 2012 R2 RTM ServerSolution Retail Windows Server Essentials 2012 R2 RTM ServerSolution Volume:MAK Windows Server Essentials 2012 R2 RTM ServerSolution Volume:GVLK Windows Server Essentials 2012 R2 RTM ServerSolution VT:IA Windows Server Essentials 2012 R2 RTM ServerSolution Retail:TB:Eval Storage Server 2012 R2 RTM ServerStorageStandard OEM:SLP Storage Server 2012 R2 RTM ServerStorageStandard OEM:NONSLP Storage Server 2012 R2 RTM ServerStorageStandard Retail Storage Server 2012 R2 RTM ServerStorageStandardEval Retail:TB:Eval Storage Server 2012 R2 RTM ServerStorageWorkgroupEval Retail:TB:Eval Storage Server 2012 R2 RTM ServerStorageWorkgroup OEM:SLP Storage Server 2012 R2 RTM ServerStorageWorkgroup OEM:NONSLP Storage Server 2012 R2 RTM ServerStorageWorkgroup Retail ServerCloudStorage Next Beta ServerCloudStorage OEM:SLP ServerCloudStorage Next Beta ServerCloudStorage OEM:NONSLP Windows vNext Test ServerStandard VT:IA Windows vNext Test ServerDatacenter VT:IA WinNext Beta EnterpriseEval Retail:TB:Eval WinNext Beta EnterpriseNEval Retail:TB:Eval WinNext Beta Professional Retail Win Next Professional OEM:DM Win Next Professional OEM:NONSLP Win Next Enterprise Retail Win Next Enterprise Retail:TB:Eval Win Next Enterprise Volume:MAK Win Next Enterprise Volume:GVLK Win Next Professional Retail Win Next Professional Volume:MAK Win Next Professional Volume:GVLK Win Next Starter Retail Win Next StarterN Retail Win Next ProfessionalN Retail Win Next EnterpriseN Retail Win Next ProfessionalN Volume:GVLK Win Next EnterpriseN Volume:GVLK ProdKey3 Win 9984 DLA/Bypass NQR Test Volume:GVLK Vol Lic MLF ProdKey3 Win 10003 ProdAct 500 NQR Test Volume:MAK Vol Lic MLF Win Next Edition Next Volume:GVLK Win Next Edition Next Volume:MAK WinNext Beta APPXLOB For Client Editions Volume:MAK WinNext Beta APPXLOB For Server Editions Volume:MAK Win 8 RC CoreARM OEM:DM Win 8 RC CoreARM OEM:NONSLP Win 8 RC Core OEM:DM Win 8 RC Core OEM:NONSLP Win 8 RC Core Retail Win 8 RC CoreCountrySpecific OEM:DM Win 8 RC CoreCountrySpecific OEM:NONSLP Win 8 RC CoreN OEM:DM Win 8 RC CoreN OEM:NONSLP Win 8 RC CoreN Retail Win 8 RC CoreSingleLanguage OEM:DM Win 8 RC CoreSingleLanguage OEM:NONSLP Win 8 RC Professional;ProfessionalN;Enterprise;EnterpriseN Volume:MAK Win 8 RC EnterpriseEval Retail:TB:Eval Win 8 RC EnterpriseNEval Retail:TB:Eval Win 8 RC Professional OEM:DM Win 8 RC Professional OEM:NONSLP Win 8 RC Professional Retail Win 8 RC ProfessionalN OEM:DM Win 8 RC ProfessionalN OEM:NONSLP Win 8 RC ProfessionalN Retail Win 8 RC ProfessionalWMC Retail Win 8 RC CoreARM Retail Win 8 RC Enterprise Retail Win 8 RC EnterpriseN Retail Win 8 RC CoreCountrySpecific Retail Win 8 RC CoreSingleLanguage Retail Win 8 RC CoreN Volume:GVLK Win 8 RC CoreCountrySpecific Volume:GVLK Win 8 RC CoreSingleLanguage Volume:GVLK Win 8 RC Core Volume:GVLK Win 8 RC ProfessionalWMC Volume:GVLK Win 8 RC CoreARM Retail Win 8 RC CoreARM Volume:GVLK Windows Server 2012 RC ServerStorageStandardEval Retail:TB:Eval Windows Server 2012 RC ServerStorageWorkgroupEval Retail:TB:Eval Windows Embedded Industry Next Beta EmbeddedIndustryEval Retail:TB:Eval Windows Embedded Industry Next Beta EmbeddedIndustry OEM:NONSLP Windows Embedded Industry Next Beta EmbeddedIndustry OEM:DM Windows Embedded Industry Next Beta EmbeddedIndustry Volume:GVLK Windows Embedded Industry Next Beta EmbeddedIndustry Volume:MAK Windows Embedded Industry Next Beta EmbeddedIndustryEEval Retail:TB:Eval Windows Embedded Industry Next Beta EmbeddedIndustryE OEM:NONSLP Windows Embedded Industry Next Beta EmbeddedIndustryE Volume:GVLK Windows Embedded Industry Next Beta EmbeddedIndustryE Volume:MAK Windows Embedded Industry Next Beta EmbeddedIndustryA OEM:NONSLP Windows Embedded Industry Next Beta EmbeddedIndustryA OEM:DM Windows Embedded Industry Next Beta EmbeddedIndustryA Volume:GVLK Windows Embedded Industry Next Beta EmbeddedIndustryA Volume:MAK Windows Embedded Standard 8 RC Embedded Retail Windows Embedded Standard 8 RC Embedded Retail:TB:Eval Windows Embedded Standard 8 RC Embedded Retail Windows Embedded Standard 8 RC Embedded Retail Windows Embedded Standard 8 RC EmbeddedE Retail:TB:Eval Windows Embedded Standard 8 RC EmbeddedE Retail Windows Embedded Standard 8 RC EmbeddedE Retail Windows Embedded Standard 8 RC Embedded Retail:TB:Eval Windows Embedded Standard 8 RC EmbeddedE Retail Windows Embedded Standard 8 RC Embedded Retail:TB:Eval Windows Embedded Standard 8 RC Embedded Retail Windows Embedded Standard 8 RC EmbeddedE Retail Windows Embedded Standard 8 RC Embedded Retail Windows Embedded Standard 8 RC Embedded Retail Windows Embedded Standard 8 RC Embedded Retail Cassini Platform 8 Pre-Beta Embedded Retail Cassini Platform 8 Pre-Beta Embedded Retail Cassini Platform 8 Pre-Beta Embedded Retail Cassini Platform 8 Pre-Beta Embedded Retail Cassini Platform 8 Pre-Beta Embedded Retail WinServer Next ServerStandardEval Retail:TB:Eval WinServer Next ServerDatacenterEval Retail:TB:Eval WinServer Next ServerStorageWorkgroup Retail:TB:Eval WinServer Next ServerStorageWorkgroup OEM:DM WinServer Next ServerStorageWorkgroup OEM:SLP WinServer Next ServerStorageWorkgroup OEM:NONSLP WinServer Next ServerStorageWorkgroup OEM:COA WinServer Next ServerStorageStandard Retail:TB:Eval WinServer Next ServerStorageStandard OEM:DM WinServer Next ServerStorageStandard OEM:SLP WinServer Next ServerStorageStandard OEM:NONSLP WinServer Next ServerStorageStandard OEM:COA WinServer Next ServerDatacenter OEM:DM WinServer Next ServerDatacenter OEM:SLP WinServer Next ServerDatacenter OEM:NONSLP WinServer Next ServerDatacenter OEM:COA WinServer Next ServerWinFoundation OEM:DM WinServer Next ServerWinFoundation OEM:SLP WinServer Next ServerWinFoundation OEM:NONSLP WinServer Next ServerWinFoundation OEM:COA WinServer Next ServerStandard OEM:DM WinServer Next ServerStandard OEM:SLP WinServer Next ServerStandard OEM:NONSLP WinServer Next ServerStandard OEM:COA WinServer Next ServerWeb OEM:DM WinServer Next ServerWeb OEM:SLP WinServer Next ServerWeb OEM:NONSLP WinServer Next ServerWeb OEM:COA WinServer Next ServerDatacenter Retail WinServer Next ServerDatacenter Retail:TB:Eval WinServer Next ServerDatacenter Volume:MAK WinServer Next ServerDatacenter Volume:GVLK WinServer Next ServerWinFoundation Retail:TB:Eval WinServer Next ServerStandard Retail WinServer Next ServerStandard Retail:TB:Eval WinServer Next ServerStandard Volume:GVLK WinServer Next ServerStandard Volume:MAK WinServer Next ServerWeb Retail WinServer Next ServerWeb Retail:TB:Eval WinServer Next ServerWeb Volume:MAK WinServer Next ServerWeb Volume:GVLK Windows Server Next Beta ServerStandard VT:IA Windows Server Next Beta ServerDatacenter VT:IA Windows Server Next Beta ServerStandard OEM:SLP Windows Server Next Beta ServerDatacenter OEM:SLP WinServerSolutions Next ServerSolution Retail WinServerSolutions Next ServerSolution Retail:TB:Eval WinServerSolutions Next ServerSolution OEM:DM WinServerSolutions Next ServerSolution OEM:SLP WinServerSolutions Next ServerSolution OEM:NONSLP WinServerSolutions Next ServerSolution OEM:COA WinServerSolutions Next ServerSolution Volume:MAK Windows Server Essentials Next Beta ServerSolution VT:IA
Hi there
seems to work !!! (Build 10041)
What type of key?
The supported keys list above are for installation but I have tested activation sucessfully with both Win 8 Pro (which I'm using now) and Win8.1 Pro keys... MAK's are edition specific thus those are unlikely to work.
I still need to test if core can be activated - need to setup an efi.cfg to grab that edition.
I can't activate using my 8 Pro (retail) key on a clean install of 10041 - when I try to change the key from the default it says this..
Don't know. You are the expert not me![]()
This is an upgrade key (from 7 Ultimate to 8 Pro) key that I bought some time ago. It acts as retail and I moved it to a VM some time ago with no problems (except I had to phone them to activate it obviously).
After trying to change the 10041 key from the default to mine these are the results (WDT downloaded today from eightforums)
The installed key is the default TP one I think but I removed the middle it just in case.