KB5000822 - Error 0x80070002 - Problems installing some updates

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  1. Posts : 135
    Windows 10 Pro

    KB5000822 - Error 0x80070002 - Problems installing some updates


    Major pain with this update on a new build of Win 10 2019 LTSC over the last few days. Every time I hit Windows Update - I see this:

    Attachment 323170

    I have tried:

    1. Windows 10 WU Troubleshooter
    2. Brinks power ResetWU script
    3. A brute force DISM /startonline component cleanup routine.

    And still no joy.

    Never seen WU be so stubborn - even after what appears to be a complete delete.

    Even more odd - I have a very specific .reg file that I use to repoint WU to my WSUS server and away from the "online" WIndows Update - and when I double click the file - Win 10 says the reg settings have been correctly imported - yet I go to the reg key area in Reg Editor and there are no WindowsUpdate entries in there anywhere.

    Anyone seen anything like this?

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,728
    Windows 10 Pro x64 22H2

    The error means:

    .\err* 0x80070002
      ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND                                           winerror.h
    # The system cannot find the file specified.
    Looks like your system (not update) is missing some files, please run SetupDiag and share logs:
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 135
    Windows 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    Looks like it's worse than I thought....

    Attachment 323180

    On to the next idea...?

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,728
    Windows 10 Pro x64 22H2

    Ofcourse, my bad because SetupDiag is to be used with upgrade failures which is not the cause here

    - - - Updated - - -

    I have a very specific .reg file that I use to repoint WU to my WSUS server and away from the "online" WIndows Update
    The easiest way to tell whether the issue is with this specific update or your server/registry configuration is to get the update trough Windows update normally.

    and when I double click the file - Win 10 says the reg settings have been correctly imported - yet I go to the reg key area in Reg Editor and there are no WindowsUpdate entries in there anywhere.
    Sounds like you applied settings to wrong place, ex for current user instead of HKLM or HKU.
    Did you monitor registry with process explorer to diagnose why is this happening?
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 135
    Windows 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    zebal said:
    Sounds like you applied settings to wrong place, ex for current user instead of HKLM or HKU.
    Did you monitor registry with process explorer to diagnose why is this happening?
    This file is standard and has been used for several years. No mistakes as far as where the keys are to end up. It's almost like the registry is locked or something?

    How can I use Process Explorer for this? Just have it running when I double click the reg file and see what happens?

      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1,728
    Windows 10 Pro x64 22H2

    apologies, it's process monitor, not process explorer:

    In the screenshot below, enable only red square to monitor registry.
    Use green square to filter on specific registry operations, ex. RegCreateKey and RegDeleteKey.
    KB5000822 - Error 0x80070002  - Problems installing some updates-untitled.png
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 135
    Windows 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    OK...this is getting a bit weird now - I was able to monitor the reg action with Process Mon and the keys are finding a place in the registry:

    Attachment 323195

    Just not even close to where they need to be:

    Attachment 323196

    Why would these keys be rolling over the WOW6432Node - instead of landing where the reg file indicates. This solves one issue for sure - and tells me something else is going on...


      My Computer

  8. Posts : 1,728
    Windows 10 Pro x64 22H2

    WOW6432Node is for x86 software configuration on x64 bit Windows.

    Why would these keys be rolling over the WOW6432Node - instead of landing where the reg file indicates.
    Because you run x64 bit registry to apply x86 configuration, so the keys go to appropriate location which is on x64 bit OS WOW6432Node

    Possible solution:
    reg import FILE.REG /reg:64
    64 bit - How to insert registry entries from a .reg file into 32-bit registry on 64-bit Windows - Super User
    Last edited by zebal; 17 Mar 2021 at 12:10. Reason: Change to /reg:64
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 135
    Windows 10 Pro
    Thread Starter

    zebal said:
    WOW6432Node is for x86 software configuration on x64 bit Windows.
    Makes no sense.

    Have used this key on images built with MDT for 5 years. Have never seen anything related to x86 in my travels. On every other machine here - all Win 10 ENT 64 bit - the keys appear in the location specified in the file?

    Here is the same file as it appears in the registry on this machine I am typing on (Windows 10 ENT v1909):

    Attachment 323207

    No WOW6432 or anything else - the keys appear exactly as specified in the .reg file.

    Have also confirmed the machine with the issues - is x64. WTF?

      My Computer

  10. Posts : 1,728
    Windows 10 Pro x64 22H2

    No you're running x64 bit Windows, WOW6432Node key is there for all programs that are designed for x32 bit Windows which normally run on x64 bit OS with no issues.

    I edited my previous post btw. if that's what confuses.
    Basically you want to force your reg keys to go to x64 (default) location (not into WOW6432Node for x32 bit)
      My Computer


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