There are no details of your PC and its disks in your specs, so the only information I have is from HD Sentinel.
It's good that you have run it, but unfortunate that you ran it after installing Windows.
You can see this disk has problems. You should not rely on it- it is beginning to fail, but there are apparently sufficient good sectors to provide the rated space. (Hard disks are made with spare sectors- more than are needed to provide the capacity- and the firmware in the disk electronics manages these as they degrade).
It may be that this progressive failure gave rise to some of your problem.
There is also a Kingston Data Traveller whose health cannot be assessed. You need to find a way to check it.
**** Buy a replacement disk. RED IS BAD
And while you're ordering a replacement disk, make sure you have a large enough one- think e.g. 2Tb- for your disk image backup files.
How can you avoid this in the future? Once again:
Install and run Crystal Diskinfo (free) and set it to report degradation of disks against thresholds which it can in various ways- even by email. That way you get early warning.
Note the very act of disk imaging detects some early degradation. I.e. the image will fail to complete and you get an error message.
Matthew Wai - you can't repair damaged sectors. Only mitigate their presence for a time.