reactivating windows 10 on new hardware, without "proper" product key

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  1. Posts : 77
    Windows 10 pro, 64 bit

    reactivating windows 10 on new hardware, without "proper" product key

    Sorry for so many posts, but this may be my most important question yet.

    My "introduction" to windows 10 started with the purchase of a used machine, from a computer/resaler on Amazon. It is a fully activated install (seems like an OEM install) of windows 10 pro, 64 bit. The machine works well. I've linked m Microsoft account I already had from SKYPE to the machine, and after re-installing several programs I'm now looking to protect myself from failures. I've already cloned my system drive and tested it, so I know my system is backed up. BUT!!! What I'm more worried about now is what would happen if I had to move the system drive to another machine!

    I understand about installing drivers for different hardware. My concern is that I'm sure the system will detect when it has been moved, and will want me to enter things like the product key, to prove my licensing. Well there doesn't seem to BE a product key, and the seller won't offer me one! The activation check tool available through the Start-> help says my machine is activated, so that's a start. There is an OEM microsoft product key on the computer case, but it was from Vista, and I doubt it has anything to do with the win-10 install. I tried to check, but that's when I discovered that all the software tools I've found using both google and calling microsoft have not revealed any typical product key, with 5 groups of HEX digits.

    I've called Microsoft numerous times, each time wasting the first 10 minutes coaxing the "automated" robot to connect me to a live human. When I do get a human there usually is a language barrier. But in the end they just route me through the same tests. The first is a test you can run from CMD as administrator and enter:

    wmic path softwarelicensingservice get OA3xOriginalProductKey

    All that does is respond with "OA3xOriginalProductKey", with no product key shown afterward.

    I also tried this PITA string in powershell...

    powershell "(Get-WmiObject -query ‘select * from SoftwareLicensingService’).OA3xOriginalProductKey"

    The command is accepted but again reports nothing.

    One rep I spoke to was smart enough to say he was going to attempt to directly connect with my computer, but we got cut off, and I suspect he would have tried the same commands anyway.

    About the most hopeful thing was when I asked one of the reps if they could give me a new product key. they said that if I ever moved my system to another machine and ran into an activation problem, as long as I have a Microsoft account that shows my machine under "devices" (which it does), I could call Microsoft and under those circumstances they would issue me a new product key.

    Sounds assuring, but I'd like another opinion or confirmation. Has anyone actually had to deal with this? Is there anyone on the forum that works at Microsoft and can confirm this? Computers often seem to last forever these days, save the obvious problems like a HD or power-supply failure or surges (some of which you can prepare for). But machines do fail. And since neither Microsoft nor the amazon seller will give me a product key, I'd like to prepare for all possible calamities and at least know who to call and what to do. There are all kinds of facts and fiction on Google, but the best thing would be to know for sure that this could be handled.

    Thanks for any help, and again sorry for all the questions.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8,519
    windows 10

    Really it is licenced for 1 pc so if you get another one by rights you should buy another copy of windows
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 18,484
    Windows 11 Pro

    If it is activated without any product key at all, as you claim that it is, then it is illegal and we can't help you on these forums.

    It should have a product key of YTMG3-N6DKC-DKB77-7M9GH-8HVX7 for Windows 10 Home or VK7JG-NPHTM-C97JM-9MPGT-3V66T for Windows 10 Pro - if it is legitimately activated.

    If you run the command:
    slmgr /dlv
    and post the results, we can tell more.

    reactivating windows 10 on new hardware, without  "proper" product key-capture.jpg
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 77
    Windows 10 pro, 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    NavyLCDR said:
    If it is activated without any product key at all, as you claim that it is, then it is illegal and we can't help you on these forums.

    It should have a product key of YTMG3-N6DKC-DKB77-7M9GH-8HVX7 for Windows 10 Home or VK7JG-NPHTM-C97JM-9MPGT-3V66T for Windows 10 Pro - if it is legitimately activated.

    If you run the command:
    slmgr /dlv
    and post the results, we can tell more.

    reactivating windows 10 on new hardware, without  "proper" product key-capture.jpg
    I am attaching as you requested. However let me be clear: I'm not attempting to get away with anything here. I bought this machine from a dealer on amazon. They told me they do volume activation through a legitimate activation tool. If it is proven that they lied to me that's one thing. I bought a machine, and figured an Amazon seller would likely be reputable. That's all I did. so if there's something wrong you won't help me on this forum? Not very nice! I am happy with the computer's performance, and will take whatever steps I need to to make it legitimately mine if it isn't. Please do not talk to me like a criminal. I've bought many used computers with various versions of windows over the course of life, but this is my first time dealing with windows 10. And Microsoft is very confusing to talk to, and few of their reps seem communicate well in English.

    reactivating windows 10 on new hardware, without  "proper" product key-slmg_slash_dlv.jpg
    Last edited by PeterPan2000; 06 Feb 2020 at 14:34. Reason: spelling
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 18,484
    Windows 11 Pro

    They lied to you. You are currently activated with a piracy type KMS activation scheme. You need to purchase a legitimate license for Windows 10.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 14,683
    Win10 Pro and Home, Win11 Pro and Home, Win7, Linux Mint

    Agreed, the line that says Product Key Channel: Volume:GVLK does indicate the Volume Licensing/ Enterprise edition, a costly way to go with single machines. Mine shows Retail on that line.
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 77
    Windows 10 pro, 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    Berton said:
    Agreed, the line that says Product Key Channel: Volume:GVLK does indicate the Volume Licensing/ Enterprise edition, a costly way to go with single machines. Mine shows Retail on that line.
    I appreciate that. This really stinks. If nothing else I will put this information in my feedback for this seller, and will turn in the company to Amazon. I'm sure knowing what I now do, the seller will prefer to just issue me a refund. I won't take it! I like the machine and will buy a license. Based on the expiration date I see in that command dump, I have until august before for the current activation ends.

    I've also just spoken to microsoft and finally got someone helpful. He explained that this is happening to a lot of people! They are buying re-furbished computers from sellers like I did and getting time limited licenses, and there is nothing Microsoft can do except offer to sell me another license AT FULL PRICE. If there is any good news, the rep also explained to me that when my license expires in august, the machine WILL still work, though he didn't explain what restrictions I'd have. does anyone know?

    Also, August is several months away. Does anyone know whether Microsoft occasionally has sales or discounts I might wait for? Also, the OS I now have (which everyone is saying is illegal) is 64 bit pro. It seems I could save $100 getting a license for windows 10 64 bit HOME. I don't think there are many (if any) features I need that are "pro" features. Would it be possible to buy a HOME license? Or would that involve clearing out the whole machine and starting over?
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 5,134
    Windows 10 preview 64-bit Home

    Have a look at this thread How do I change from windows 10 pro to windows 10 home? for downgrading.
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 928
    Win 10

    There is an OEM microsoft product key on the computer case, but it was from Vista
    That is a 12 yr old computer.
    What did you pay for it?
    What I'm more worried about now is what would happen if I had to move the system drive to another machine!
    Then you need to buy your own RETAIL copy of Windows as it is the only one that can be moved.
    You can get legally refurbished computers without the fear of piracy for not that much. @PeterPan2000

      My Computers

  10. Posts : 77
    Windows 10 pro, 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    Porthos said:
    That is a 12 yr old computer.
    What did you pay for it?
    Then you need to buy your own RETAIL copy of Windows as it is the only one that can be moved.
    You can get legally refurbished computers without the fear of piracy for not that much. @PeterPan2000

    Its a 12 year old computer, but with 2 quad-core Intel CPUs, its a powerhouse. I only paid $130 for it shipped. "Legally Refurbished"? All I can do is turn in this seller to amazon's seller investigation team and give him detailed negative feedback. It is a computer shop with a business name and an actual brick and mortar store front, whom I'd like to have assumed Amazon approved. My hard luck.
      My Computer


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