Error code: (0x80073712) - is HDD problem or Windows OS 10 problem

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  1. Posts : 233
    W10 pro

    Error code: (0x80073712) - is HDD problem or Windows OS 10 problem

    I have a 2017 custom build PC DESKTOP --- Windows 10 Pro, UEFI... i7 8600 NVME
    In settings > updates,... I can Not update to 2020 updates and getting

    Error code: (0x80073712)
    ANYWAY is this SSD problem [fix ssd NVMe] or Windows OS 10 problem???
    IF DOWNLOAD Media Creators tool and update apply from there may this solved ?
    i Also having November 2019 Acronis backup of C:/ NVMe --- my files is in second HDD F:/.

    is this action feasible and may bring healthy windows results... and updates OK? | Acronis Forum

    I searched and found :
    but applying getting: // what to do now????

    Error code: (0x80073712) - is HDD problem or Windows OS 10 problem-erro-windows-cmd.png
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 45,640
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Hi, Windows update problems can be many and various.

    You could try ths
    Reset Windows Update in Windows 10
    and see if it helps.

    i Also having November 2019 Acronis backup of C:/ NVMe --- my files is in second HDD F:/.
    A much more robust approach is to keep at least one set of backups offline (e.g. removable storage). Think virus/ransomware/fire/theft/flood... etc

      My Computers

  3. Posts : 233
    W10 pro
    Thread Starter

    How understand the NVMe has and needed fix disk errors? Or there are no errors in SSD but error in corrupted Windows 10 1909 files...?

    The cause below what probably did and updates of 2020 can not installed?
    There was a burned motherboard cable and PC only safe mode was working, Not safe mode after start up when entering windows auto shutdown and restarted repeatedly.
    I thought was software problem and restored to a restore point 09 December 2019... at 4 Jan 2020. Now cable fixed was burned but Updates of 2020 can not installed get error in first post... well
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 233
    W10 pro
    Thread Starter

    sfc /scannow

    Windows Resource Protection could not perform the requested operation.

    To resolve this problem, perform the System File Checker scan in safe mode, and make sure that the PendingDeletes and PendingRenames folders exist under %WinDir%\WinSxS\Temp.
    WHAT to do?

    can i DELETE the
    AND Retry updates?
    yet to try
    DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /Source:C:\RepairSource\Windows /LimitAccess


      My Computer

  5. Posts : 45,640
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Thank you very much for your reply.

    I suggest you start by checking your disk is ok.
    Download Portable HD Tune 2.55
    - Health and Error Scan tabs.

    If that passes, then from and admin command or Powershell prompt run
    chkdsk c: /scan

    If ok, consider an in-place upgrade repair install which keeps all progs and data and most settings.

    You have build 1909, so can use the MS media creation tool to get an iso file.Right click the file, click Mount (if available)
    Open the new drive letter in file explorer
    Double click setup to start.

    Tutorial available.
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 233
    W10 pro
    Thread Starter

    the disk c:/ is NVMe ssd --- is vulnerable to errors? is any tool to check from Microsoft or well known publisher?

    what do this ?
    chkdsk c: /scan

    can run the chkdsk c: /scan without use first the "Download Portable HD Tune 2.55 - Health and Error Scan tabs"...?
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 45,640
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Imagine you are building a house. You first want to make sure the foundations are sound before you build the house.

    In this case the foundation is the physical hardware and firmware of the disk. That's what a program such as HD Tune checks.

    Once you know the foundations are good you start building the house. You need bricks organised in certain order. That's your file system.

    chkdsk has been around for decades. Use Google. It checks the integrity of the file system.

    Further, chkdsk only runs on your Windows partition. That's part of your disk. So it's like checking the walls in a couple of rooms, say, but not the whole house.
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 233
    W10 pro
    Thread Starter

    That's what a program such as HD Tune checks

    i do Not trust this ^^^, any other?
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 45,640
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Feel free to find one yourself.. if I recommend one, you'll suspect it. Good luck.
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 920
    Windows 10 Pro

    You really need to check more disk parameters than chkdsk can access. The above mentioned HD Tune is commonly used and trustworthy if downloaded from the authors site (or affiliates), there is also Hard Disk Sentinel which you could use, i think there is a trial version or you could try CrystalDiskInfo available direct from the MS store.
    All three utilities will show you disk properties including any SMART attributes and offer file structure reports/ tests, all three are commonly used by forum members and lots of other people without issue.
    I don't see why you seem to distrust HD Tune, do you have any sound reasoning?
    Anyway until you have tested the disk for physical errors you will just end up not knowing or going round in circles.
      My Computer


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