Windows 10 hangs "checking for updates" troubleshooter also hangs

  1. Posts : 149
    Windows 10 32 bit

    Windows 10 hangs "checking for updates" troubleshooter also hangs

    I JUST installed Windows 10 on my Lenovo B570 using the Free Upgrade Tool from Microsoft saved from when they were offering a free upgrade to all Windows 7 users. For some reason, instead of installing the latest version, it installed version 1709 and despite the fact that this is a BRAND NEW INSTALL, it WILL NOT update whatsoever!

    It always hangs at "checking for updates" and it has been there for five hours and nothing shows at all

    So, I ran the Windows Update troubleshooter but it ALWAYS hangs at "checking for pending restart" which is the first thing it looks for and it has been stuck at that spot for three hours and it has not moved passed "checking for pending restart" at all!

    Not only is Windows Update not working right after the Windows 10 install, the Windows Update troubleshooter is also not working either!! This laptop has only had Windows 10 on it for 24 hours

    Does anybody know what the problem could be and how to fix it? How could stuff be NOT WORKING after JUST the first day of Windows 10?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 45,627
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Hi, how much free space do you have on C: ?

    Did you do a clean install or did you upgrade?

    Note that upgrades from Win 7 are still free.

    I'm not sure what
    the Free Upgrade Tool from Microsoft
    is that you used... if you saved a 1709 iso, that's what you will have installed.

    Your Lenovo B570 is supported to Win 8:
    laptops and netbooks :: lenovo b series laptops :: lenovo b570 notebookcontentdetail - GB

    Note that some older Lenovos do not have Win 10 drivers available for certain drivers- typically the fingerprint reader.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 149
    Windows 10 32 bit
    Thread Starter

    174 GB free
    I upgraded as I said

    And it is the one where when Windows 7 and 8 users were able to upgrade to Windows 10 for free through Windows update back in 2017. I saved the exe that came with that. They said that it was a limited time but everybody says that it works today.

    It was named: Windows10Upgrader24074.exe

    I am surprised that you have not heard of that. Pretty much everybody these days knows that tool from Microsoft still works today

    - - - Updated - - -

    So, I am not going to get any help other than a couple questions where one was already answered and the other ones were common knowledge
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 45,627
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    Is that how you would talk to a friend whom you asked for help? Help is given voluntarily and at members' discretion. How much did you pay? Yes, it's free..
      My Computers


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