Windows Update, error 0x800700c1 and 0x80070643

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  1. Posts : 31,130
    Windows 11 Pro x64 Version 23H2

    Well what ever hit your system, the thing that Malwarebytes removed, hit it pretty hard.

    Inplace repair and DISM both fail.

    You could try this removal tool for Malwarebytes.

    Likely the fastest way back to health is a clean install. You already have the media. You would need a data backup.

    Maybe another member will have a better idea.

    I know clean installs are not desirable.

    Could start a thread with your DISM error to draw out new ideas. When I referenced the error re-installing was the outcome on two threads.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 10
    Windows 10 1803
    Thread Starter

    So you suggest to perform a clean install?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 31,130
    Windows 11 Pro x64 Version 23H2

    I would run the Malwarebytes removal first just to see if Defender restarts. If it restarts that would be progress and I would retry the inplace repair.

    Failing that then yes I would recommend a clean install. Data backed up first.

    Going forward might I recommend you look at a tool like Macrium Reflect. Assuming you do a clean install you could capture an Image that you could use at a later date should your system need a complete rebuild. Numerous members Image their system on a regular basis allowing them to quickly restore to a point in time where their system was working. I image my system every month and before any major change.

    Backup and Restore with Macrium Reflect

    The software is free and reliable.
      My Computer


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