Not being Notified by Windows Defender of new Malware Definitions

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  1. Posts : 866

    Not being Notified by Windows Defender of new Malware Definitions

    I don't know why this is, maybe MS has done something on how Defender malware definitions are being notified, but I am not getting them for a few days now. I even re-installed Windows 10 because I had just replaced my HDD with a new SSD drive. Still, no update notifications, except, when done manually. In other words, the updates themselves come through when clicking on Check for Updates, but I am not getting the notifications.

    I even have the setting in Group Policy to Notify for Downloads, still nothing for a few days. This is odd, because I used to get Defender update notifications almost every day.

    Has MS changed something?

    I am running Win10 v1803.

    I heard something that MS pulled the feature upgrade v1809 from updating because it had a lot of issues and requesting users to manually check for updates.

    Can anyone verify this?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 45,458
    Win 10 Pro (22H2) (2nd PC is 22H2)

    I heard something that MS pulled the feature upgrade v1809 from updating because it had a lot of issues and requesting users to manually check for updates.
    Yes- huge thread on forum. See the News section. Or just search generally for news on 1803.
    I even have the setting in Group Policy to Notify for Downloads, still nothing for a few days. This is odd, because I used to get Defender update notifications almost every day.
    Same here. There seemed to be a break for a few days, then I started receiving them again.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 866
    Thread Starter

    So I’m not alone who is having issues with this? Does this also effect the Defender updates as well?

    Thanks for the info
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 103
    Windows 7-pro-sp1 and windows 10-pro-1803

    Yes,Defender definition updates and platform updates now suffer from no notifications.
    See my thread in which dalchina sent me here to read yours
    Missing notifications about defender updates - Windows 10 Forums
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 866
    Thread Starter

    Im still not getting ANY Windows Updates notifications and its not only the Windows Defender updates. But all updates.

    However, the Windows Defender updates, telling from the date and timestamps under the Defender last definition updates/version keeps updating in the background, which I guess its good. But I used to be notified of this almost each day. And even for normal updates, not getting notified. One example being today, just now. I had to click on Check for Updates manually, and revealed that and Adobe Flash Update was pending for download, but did not get notified.

    My Group Policy is set to Notifiy for Download
    Checked the registry policies as well from below, and value is set to 2, just like in Group Policy.


    in it is AUOptions, DWORD, value 2 - just like in gpedit.

    Again, did MS changed something since they had numerous issues with v1809?
    I am still running v1803.

      My Computer

  6. Posts : 7,631
    Windows 10 Home 20H2

    win10freak said:
    Again, did MS changed something since they had numerous issues with v1809?
    See: missing - GPEDIT - Windows 10 Forums
    They won't give notifications any more.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 33,730
    10 Home x64 (22H2) (10 Pro on 2nd pc)

    Matthew Wai said:
    See: missing - GPEDIT - Windows 10 Forums
    They won't give notifications any more.
    From my post #2 in that thread: "The last version to say 'Notify for download and notify for install' for option two was 1607. From 1703 on it says 'Notify for download and auto install'." So up to 1607 you should have got two notifications, the first when an update was available, then a second after it downloaded and was ready to install. I suppose the thinking behind the change was that you wouldn't say 'yes' to download it then not install, so in a way the second notification was redundant.

    Since I wrote that I have enabled 'Notify for download and auto install' on an 1803 Pro machine. I have certainly seen fly-out notifications for Defender updates since I enabled that policy, but like @win10freak I can't say I've seen any in recent weeks. They still appear in Windows Update though without me needing to check for updates along with a 'Download' button, so the auto check for updates is still finding the Defender updates, just not triggering a fly-out notification any more. Odd, maybe a recent update had a bug?
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 866
    Thread Starter

    So all I need to know whether this issue I have is not only effecting me but this is even true for most users out there?
    Any word on a fix for this bug?
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 7,631
    Windows 10 Home 20H2

    The bug does not affect this Home user, who uses VBScript instead of Group Policy.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 20
    Windows 10 Pro without Media Center

    Anyone know how to enable this "bug," because I want it on my system. I've configured Windows Update to not update automatically. Windows Defender updates seem to ignore this and update anyway, which is fine, but I still get notifications almost daily that "I need some updates." I never ever want to see these, and it's all the more irritating because they happen anyway; that is, when I check the update history, I'm never much out of date on these.
      My Computer


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