definition update for windows denfender antivirus

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  1. Posts : 15
    windows 10

    definition update for windows denfender antivirus

    this has failed to update on several tries on oct 11 KB2267602 error code 0x8024000b
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 104
    Windows 10 Home version 21H2

    Hi mknic,
    I have literally just installed the definition update KB2267602 without any problem. I suggest as a first step checking all the Windows Defender settings to make sure they all have the 'green ticks' in each section.
    definition update for windows  denfender antivirus-screenshot_1.jpg


    ps. The only reason the 'Family Options' is not ticked is because I am the only user on my computer.

    I also would suggest running the 'Troubleshoot' feature in the Update & Security settings which has a section dealing with update problems.
    definition update for windows  denfender antivirus-screenshot_2.jpg
    Last edited by Milton; 11 Oct 2018 at 21:59.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 15
    windows 10
    Thread Starter

    checked everything and all good i have macfee woul;d that have anything to do with it
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 104
    Windows 10 Home version 21H2

    Hi mknic,
    To be honest, I have never been a fan of McAfee, and whenever I have purchased a new computer with McAfee / or Norton pre-installed on it (which is almost always only a 6 month subscription), the first thing I do is remove it and replace it with a good free antivirus....and there are some very good ones out there that out perform some of the (paid-for) variety. As to whether or not McAfee has caused this issue with Windows Defender, I somehow doubt it, but having said that.....some AV's do not like/allow other AV's being present on a computer and will 'disable' them.
    I personally use a SecureAPlus Premium which I got as a 'givaway' with a 'lifetime licence' with free updates.
    SecureAPlus uses 11 other very well known AV's (including McAfee) to scan for threats. It also automatically runs a 'background scan' whenever you boot up your computer on a daily basis.
    Did you run the troubleshooter, and if so what was the result ?
    Microsoft recommends running the troubleshooter for problems with Windows Defender.
    I have myself just updated Windows Defender and noticed the last 50 updates are all marked as KB2267602, but with different 'definition' numbers.....the latest being KB2267602 (Definition 1.277.997.0)
    There are guys/gals here on tenforums who are retired IT Professionals that may be able to offer further help with your issue.
    One word of advice (based on experience) as much precise information as you possibly can to them including screenshots (if necessary) in order for them to be able to assist you.

      My Computer

  5. Posts : 56,995
    Multi-boot Windows 10/11 - RTM, RP, Beta, and Insider

    Quick way to find out....disable McAfee, and check for updates.
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 204
    Windows 10 Home x64

    Using the command prompt, try the following inside the Windows Defender folder:
    MpCmdRun.exe -signatureupdate -MMPC

    The key parameter is the MMPC, which in my case eliminates the errors. Not wanting WD to miss any updates, I have created a batch file and have Task Scheduler run it twice daily.
    cd c:\Program Files\Windows Defender\
    MpCmdRun.exe -signatureupdate -MMPC
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 15
    windows 10
    Thread Starter

    I ran the windows download troubleshoot and fixed the problem thanks for all the help
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 104
    Windows 10 Home version 21H2


    I don't usually have a lot of faith in MS tools, but it's worked whenever I've needed it.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 17,089
    Windows 10 Home x64 Version 22H2 Build 19045.4894


    The folder you are using contains an older version of MpCmdRun.exe.

    The latest version is in the latest folder within C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Platform

    When this change happened [sometime last year, I think] I altered my batch file in order to ensure that it will always use the latest version:-

    set GetLatestVersionPath="dir "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Platform" /ad /od /b"
    FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i IN (' %GetLatestVersionPath% ') Do Set LatestVersionPath=%%i
    "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Platform\%LatestVersionPath%\MpCmdRun.exe" -SignatureUpdate

    The For command examines each entry in the (set) and sets the path for each entry but the fact that the (set) is sequenced in date order means that the For command will always end up setting the path to the latest version.

    Last edited by Try3; 15 Oct 2018 at 23:50.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 204
    Windows 10 Home x64

    Try3 said:
    The folder you are using contains an older version of MpCmdRun.exe.
    The latest version is in the latest folder within C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Platform


    Thanks for the info. I hadn't known there's another set inside ProgramData.


    I tried your batch. Now, when I go inside the Virus & threat protection updates, unlike before, the page shows an empty Threat definition version, Version created on, and Last update. Only when I click on the Check for updates button do the corresponding info come out. I don't know if running your script has anything to do with this. I tried rebooting, and got the same.
    Last edited by hello10; 16 Oct 2018 at 03:55.
      My Computer


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