Updated (and Failed) 1803, not updated to 1809
I don't understand this: The update to Version 1809 was released 09Oct2018.
On my wife's computer, after the first attempt failed, a retry was offered; I took it, and later there was a "Restart" icon, so I clicked on it, after noticing something odd in the names of the updates about to be installed. When that was done, I found that KB4462919 and KB4100347 were both installed, and are shown as updates to Version 1803. Computer is now shown as up-to-date.
On my computer, KB4462919 failed to install (apparently twice,) KB4100343 does not show as having even an attempted installation, and computer is shown as up-to-date.
In neither case was an update to version 1809 offered.
Explanation(s) solicited.