Windows 10 can't be activated

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  1. Posts : 30
    Windows 10

    Windows 10 can't be activated

    Hey! So I started of having windows 8.1 and then I got the message from windows saying I can get windows 10 for free so I did. And now all of a sudden my Windows 10 "key" is not activated even tho I dont actually got a windows key from windows. I have been chaning parts in my pc from now and then if that might be the problem . Ive tried all the windows support stuff and nothing works so im running out of options hoping someone here can help.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3,453

    I was looking for the "weighting" of hardware criteria that determimes HarwaredID threshold but can't find it.. so here is just some info I found which is plausable (based on my previous research)

    Every component of our PC, from the CPU to the GPU to the Network Adapter, has a unique serial number. Windows runs a mathematical formula on each serial number and creates a hash, in a way that it is impossible to find the original serial number from the hash (a one-way hash).
    Between four and ten bits are used from each component's hash, depending on the part.
    Component Name Example Hash Value (#o of bits)
    Display Adapter 00010 (5)
    SCSI Adapter / SAS adapter 00011 (5)
    IDE Adapter / SATA Adapter 0011 (4)
    Network Adapter MAC Address 1001011000 (10)
    RAM Amount Range (i.e. 0-64mb, 64-128mb, etc) 101 (3)
    Processor Type 011 (3)
    Processor Serial Number 000000 (6)
    Hard Drive Device 1101100 (7)
    Hard Drive Volume Serial Number 1001000001 (10)
    CD—ROM / CD-RW / DVD-ROM / DVD-RW 010111 (6)
    "Dockable" 0 (1)
    Hardware Hash version (version of algorithm used) 001 (3)
    Only internal PC components count, not peripherals, such as the monitor, keyboard/mouse, USB devices, etc.
    From all the above Hash values, through an algorithm, an 8bit HWID is created.
    On Windows activation through the Internet, a "handshake request" is sent to Microsoft. This request contains the product ID, the HWID, the activation technology version, and the request header data, with a request ID that ties all the information together.
    Through the Windows activation, the product ID (which represents the unique product key) is tied to the particular hardware ID on Microsoft's servers. This prevents the product key to be reused for Windows activation on a different PC.

    The one-way hashing for the HWID guarantees our anonymity. It is impossible to identify our hardware components' serial numbers from the information that is sent to Microsoft.

    If the Windows activation is successful, the confirmation is sent back to our PC as a digital certificate, signed by Microsoft.
    So that's the history lesson... the here and now is that digital licencing is completely controlled by MS... we can't even troubleshoot it as all the licencing information is held on their servers.. best would be to phone them and explain you changed hardware and present your qualifying upgrade Win 8 licence key.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 30
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    I will try calling them tomorrow.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 30
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Windows 10 can't be activated-a15eb497c5cfb1ed6ab4ca3784c0bf28.png This is what it says.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 3,453

    kriyze said:
    I will try calling them tomorrow.
    Good.. let us know how it goes...they should give you a new key (from most reports I've seen.

    BTW: If your Win 8 key is retail you can try just installing it with "change product key" in settings...that will give a new digital licence.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 3,453

    kriyze said:
    Windows 10 can't be activated-a15eb497c5cfb1ed6ab4ca3784c0bf28.png This is what it says.
    This means you have the wrong key installed.. first try your Win 8 key - then we can try the generic - assume Win 10 Home?
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 30
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    I don't have the key anymore I cannot remember it, this was several years ago.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 3,453

    kriyze said:
    I don't have the key anymore I cannot remember it, this was several years ago.
    OK, for Home use YTMG3-N6DKC-DKB77-7M9GH-8HVX7

    BTW if this was an upgrade ShowKeyPlus - Windows 10 Forums will have your Win 8 key as the original key.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 30
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Superfly said:
    OK, for Home use YTMG3-N6DKC-DKB77-7M9GH-8HVX7

    BTW if this was an upgrade ShowKeyPlus - Windows 10 Forums will have your Win 8 key as the original key.
    I dont really understand this.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 3,453

    Settings -> Update and Security -> Activation -> Change product key

    Copy and paste the key in previous post and hit next.

    Did you run ShowKeyPlus?
      My Computer


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