Colors Get Wonky in Slow Ring 16288

  1. Posts : 4,224
    Windows 10

    Colors Get Wonky in Slow Ring 16288

    Just after upgrading to the slow ring Build 16288 late last week, my desktop color scheme developed a horrible shade of yellow around lots of UI elements, including Button stuff, Hilight, Highlight Text, and HotTracking color (all from HKCU\Control Panel\Colors). Drove me bonkers until I found a way to restore defaults at In case anybody else runs into this, I blogged about the symptoms and the fix in my Windows Enterprise Desktop blog this morning: Wonky Win10 Colors Require Registry Edits - Windows Enterprise Desktop.

    PS: this was the predominating shade of yellow that pervaded my desktop and UI elements:
    Colors Get Wonky in Slow Ring 16288-yellow.jpg
    Reminded me rather too much of diaper changing duty when the kiddos were still using them. Sigh.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 4,224
    Windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Hah! Logged into my system again this morning to discover the same awful colors established AGAIN. Checking the relevant registry keys, I found no changes from the default. Then I remembered seeing here the discussion that slow ring IP is having difficulties with the Nvidia device drivers. Sure enough, the new version pushed out Wednesday (9/20) immediately fixed things up as soon as it was installed. Go figure...
    The default registry key settings files are still useful, though, and now I've got them where I can find them easily and quickly, should I ever need them again.
      My Computers


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