Pro N Insider versions.

  1. Posts : 15,865

    Pro N Insider versions.

    Can anybody confirm PRO N is actually receiving new Insider versions. I have tried all the usual tricks to kick start receiving the Insider versions but no success.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    I have to test that. At least 10 PRO N let me join Insider program and opt in for Fast Ring now. Might take some time before something conclusive can be said, either yes or no to your question.

    Pro N Insider versions.-image.png
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 15,865
    Thread Starter

    Kari said:
    I have to test that. At least 10 PRO N let me join Insider program and opt in for Fast Ring now. Might take some time before something conclusive can be said, either yes or no to your question.

    Pro N Insider versions.-image.png
    Hi Kari,

    I am set up, and I left it connected for over a week.

    I have checked various registry settings, stopped and restarted wuauserv/bits, deleted software distribution etc. All these things kick-started stubborn cases before on home for me.

    Nothing seems to kick-start it so I was wondering if there was actually a pro n Insider version yet.

    I await your outcome. If it works, perhaps I could grab your install.esd file and manually upgrade?

    cheers as ever

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    First tweet, no reply. That a bit sarcastic second tweet resulted an answer in less than a minute:

    Case closed, no Insider Previews for N editions.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 15,865
    Thread Starter

    Kari said:

    First tweet, no reply. That a bit sarcastic second tweet resulted an answer in less than a minute:

    Case closed, no Insider Previews for N editions.
    Thanks for that. I cannot see any justification for this.

    I shall have to elevate this to the European Parliament before the idiots in the UK leave
      My Computer


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