Dual monitor issues with taskbar/tray icons.

  1. Posts : 5
    Win 10 Insider Preview

    Dual monitor issues with taskbar/tray icons.

    Good evening!

    I'm not sure if this is the appropriate place for me to post this, but I had a couple quibbles with dual monitor support on both Win10 and Win10 Insider preview. There was the nice addition in Windows Insider Preview of having a clock on both your monitors (whereas that wasn't the case in Win10) but not having the option to have the tray icons on both monitors is KILLING me. I am a gamer, and generally use my second monitor for generic stuff, i.e., Steam friends/chat, web browsing, and launching games or other things from the tray, using my second monitor, while I am in a game. Now, my problem arises because I have to set my second monitor as the main monitor. That makes games launch on that monitor by default, and I use DualMonitorTools to do things like lock my cursor to one screen, switch windows quickly from one screen to another, etc. Those functions may be rolled into Win10 by default, but when I was using 7/8/8.1, I needed to use third party software to be able to launch what I needed on my main monitor while still having access to my tray icons and taskbar. The games I play, I launch on the smaller, second monitor (which is my "primary monitor" in Windows settings) and then use DMT to flip them to my REAL primary monitor. This doesn't work with all games, not to mention it is pretty clunky - when it should be easy.

    I am not sure if I explained my issues well enough but in summary, how about an option to have dual splash areas for tray icons?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    The setting you are looking for is in Settings > Personalisation > Taskbar:

    Dual monitor issues with taskbar/tray icons.-2016_07_15_09_17_581.png

    Another option is simply to drag Taskbar to secondary display. In screenshot below you can see that display 1, in my case laptop's own display is the main display but the Taskbar is shown only on secondary display, positioned vertically at left:

    Dual monitor issues with taskbar/tray icons.-2016_07_15_09_23_411.png
    (Click to enlarge.)
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 5
    Win 10 Insider Preview
    Thread Starter

    Oh, well that makes sense. Naturally I overlook the simplest solution to my problem. Thanks. I guess my issue wasn't explained clearly enough - I want my "primary" monitor to NOT have the tray icons on it, so that when I am playing fullscreen games, I can just unlock my mouse from my fullscreen game, slide it over to my second monitor, and then right-click whatever I need in the tray. I achieved that by just moving the taskbar as you suggested
    Last edited by thewubs; 15 Jul 2016 at 16:14.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 5
    Win 10 Insider Preview
    Thread Starter

    I have the first option you highlighted enabled but I still think giving the option to have dual splash areas would be awesome.
      My Computer


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