Discuss new Windows 10 build 9926

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  1. Posts : 239
    Windows 10 Pro 64bit

    davehc said:
    I'm trying out this one at the moment. It is free and doesn't ineterfere with your existing menu.

    Classic Start 8 | Free Classic Style Start Menu for Use with Windows® 8 | ClassicStart8.com
    This is what I want from the Windows 10 Start Menu/Screen:

    A basic Start Menu which replicates the simplicity & ease of use of Windows 7
    Discuss new Windows 10 build 9926-image1.jpg

    An alternative Start Screen which displays Tiles & Apps
    Discuss new Windows 10 build 9926-image2.jpg

    Discuss new Windows 10 build 9926-image3.jpg

    Both with the ability to switch easily between them.

    And of course, if you toggle the desktop content, you get back to the new Start Menu.
    Discuss new Windows 10 build 9926-image4.jpg

    Discuss new Windows 10 build 9926-image5.jpg

    In order to achieve this I've applied the Toggle Start Menu/Screen to Desktop Context Menu in Windows 10 which has restored the Start Screen & installed Stardock's Start 8 - brilliant.

    I can't believe that this wouldn't appeal to all users by offering either the Start Menu or the Start Screen & the abiulity to switch easily between them - a winner in my opinion.

    Come on Microsoft - give us what we want & NOT what you want to impose on us!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 22,740
    Windows 10 Home x64
    Thread Starter

    Come on Microsoft - give us what we want & NOT what you want to impose on us!
    Keep in mind that MS is likely not going to please everyone with the new OS. What you want or expect is not necessarily what others want from the OS.

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 630

    davehc said:
    I'm trying out this one at the moment. It is free and doesn't ineterfere with your existing menu.

    Classic Start 8 | Free Classic Style Start Menu for Use with Windows® 8 | ClassicStart8.com
    I tried Start8 from Stardock, it worked great in previous builds, but not this one, it raised all sorts of problems

    BunnyJ said:
    Come on Microsoft - give us what we want & NOT what you want to impose on us!
    Keep in mind that MS is likely not going to please everyone with the new OS. What you want or expect is not necessarily what others want from the OS.

    Well, they need to start listening to someone, their track record hasn't been to great the last few years.

    WightWalker said:

    Come on Microsoft - give us what we want & NOT what you want to impose on us!

    I completely agree with your menu choices and so do most people I talk to. I do no understand why Microsoft just doesn't take that approach.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 22,740
    Windows 10 Home x64
    Thread Starter

    Trust_No1 said:

    I tried Start8 from Stardock, it worked great in previous builds, but not this one, it raised all sorts of problems

    BunnyJ said:
    Come on Microsoft - give us what we want & NOT what you want to impose on us!
    Keep in mind that MS is likely not going to please everyone with the new OS. What you want or expect is not necessarily what others want from the OS.

    Well, they need to start listening to someone, there track record hasn't been to great the last few years.
    Ok,, so what do you think of the idea I presented??
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 239
    Windows 10 Pro 64bit

    This is what I want from the Windows 10 Start Menu/Screen

    I forgot to mention:

    And of course, if you toggle the desktop content, you get back to the new Start Menu.
    Discuss new Windows 10 build 9926-image4.jpg

    Discuss new Windows 10 build 9926-image5.jpg

    So with this set up you have every possible option available to you - what's not to like
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 22,740
    Windows 10 Home x64
    Thread Starter

    I do like the new start menu but I really would like to see the user to have options on what they can make use of. One size fits all just doesn't work for me.

      My Computer

  7. Posts : 7,724
    3-Win-7Prox64 3-Win10Prox64 3-LinuxMint20.2

    Unless you have a touch screen icons should not be used on the start menus right column
    Nor should the alphabet be needed in all programs/ apps.
    Microsoft still doesn't realize desktops are quite different than mobile devices,
    Preferences should be added to the settings that is what makes or breaks an os's popularity = familiarity
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 23,195
    Windows 10

    The new style menu on a desktop I could get used to

    However, for a tablet interface it is awkward to use (compared to 8.1), a taskbar on a touch screen that is virtual impossible to use, and a visible desktop that is disabled

    Early days yet with Continuum, but so far for a tablet device, 10 is a big downgrade from 8.1
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 30,427
    Mint 21.3

    ThrashZone said:
    Unless you have a touch screen icons should not be used on the start menus right column
    Nor should the alphabet be needed in all programs/ apps.
    Microsoft still doesn't realize desktops are quite different than mobile devices,
    Preferences should be added to the settings that is what makes or breaks an os's popularity = familiarity
    Agreed you break familiarity just for the sake of change you break the OS.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 22,740
    Windows 10 Home x64
    Thread Starter

    labeeman said:
    ThrashZone said:
    Unless you have a touch screen icons should not be used on the start menus right column
    Nor should the alphabet be needed in all programs/ apps.
    Microsoft still doesn't realize desktops are quite different than mobile devices,
    Preferences should be added to the settings that is what makes or breaks an os's popularity = familiarity
    Agreed you break familiarity just for the sake of change you break the OS.
    But isn't life about change and learning how to use new things?? I agree if someone doesn't like the new start menu they should have an option to make use of another one but some of use do like the new menu.
      My Computer


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