Discuss new Windows 10 build 9926

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  1. Posts : 7,127
    Windows 10 Pro Insider

    badrobot said:
    Does anyone else have this thing called "RelevantKnowledge" running in the background? What is it? I don't remember installing or activating it. First time I saw this on Windows 10.
    It's not running on my computer.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 7,724
    3-Win-7Prox64 3-Win10Prox64 3-LinuxMint20.2

    Yep being 10 is now offered as a windows update for 7/8.1 I would say Microsoft has no issues with those os's
    Another hdd or ssd is the smart way to go with beta installed os testing but not always an option
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 5,286
    Win 10 Pro x64

    Winuser said:
    badrobot said:
    Does anyone else have this thing called "RelevantKnowledge" running in the background? What is it? I don't remember installing or activating it. First time I saw this on Windows 10.
    It's not running on my computer.
    I think it's related with the use of IE. Not sure.

    Anyway, I uninstalled it and it opened up a series of IE pages and froze my PC for a while. But everything is back to normal now and I don't see that icon anymore.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Discuss new Windows 10 build 9926-9926_relevantk_uninstall.png  
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 7,724
    3-Win-7Prox64 3-Win10Prox64 3-LinuxMint20.2

    badrobot said:
    Does anyone else have this thing called "RelevantKnowledge" running in the background? What is it? I don't remember installing or activating it. First time I saw this on Windows 10.
    I'll have to check on that later I did look at the action center stuff and that icon was not there :/
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 5,286
    Win 10 Pro x64

    ThrashZone said:
    badrobot said:
    Does anyone else have this thing called "RelevantKnowledge" running in the background? What is it? I don't remember installing or activating it. First time I saw this on Windows 10.
    I'll have to check on that later I did look at the action center stuff and that icon was not there :/
    I only found out about it when it asked me to fill up a survey. But it's gone now. I think.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Discuss new Windows 10 build 9926-relevant_knowledge.jpg  
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 5
    Windows 10 TP b9841

    I've got two hard drives in this system but I'm using the main SSD and Win10 TP as my main OS. Why? Because I don't have anything on here I don't mind losing. Hosing the system would just be a fun challenge for me to reinstall Windows or a new OS of my choice. Also I'm not using my laptop for anything related to finance or other privacy issues.

    The only way I might be really screwed is if theres some kind of bug that causes my fans to shut down and the components to fail? LOL Now that would suck and put me out about $2k. Still not losing sleep over it.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 5
    Windows 10 TP b9841

    I see MS has released a Hotfix already... going to try that with the new build see if it might fix my issue.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 4,594
    Windows 10 Pro

    Ya, that`s not a cheap laptop
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 7,724
    3-Win-7Prox64 3-Win10Prox64 3-LinuxMint20.2

    Looks more like it's coming from an app you installed from the store ?
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 5,749
    insider build 10586.3 win10 pro 64

    Looks like RelevantKnowledge is malware/ virus .

      My Computer


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