Has 10565 solved the problem of Picture Password missing other users?

  1. Posts : 26
    Windows 10 64bit

    Has 10565 solved the problem of Picture Password missing other users?

    I've not yet installed the lastest build, and since I'm supposing that GA of TH2 should be very very similar to what we're testing right now with 10565, the following question comes to mind:

    Has the new build reverted the stupid thoughts of MS about Picture Password logins?
    As I stated in my thread here in regard to 10240, it is apparent that MS forgot to add the "Other Users" dropdown list picker in the Picture Password login screen (it is present in text-password and PIN, instead).
    That sucks for everyone who has a tablet with multiple accouts and likes everybody be able to access the device with the Picture Password feature.

    Has something changed in that regard with 10565? I praise it's happening..
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 46
    64-bit 10240 10 Pro

    I only used the picture password for about two days then switched to using a PIN. It is easier for me to logon that way.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 26
    Windows 10 64bit
    Thread Starter

    Thanks for the advice, but when some users are kids Picture password becomes extremely useful, so I need to know whether it is fixed or not. It's be so easy for Microsoft add the users list on the left. How can they forget?
      My Computer


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