Upgrade to Windows 10 Now Before it Goes Away
I ran into a poor unfortunate lady at Sam's Club yesterday. I overheard her asking an acquaintance if he knew anything about computers and he told her no. Of course, I opened my mouth and told her I did. She was very grateful that I volunteered.
As the title of this thread says, that was the message she was getting approximately every other day. So, finally, she relented and clicked on Install Windows 10. What happened next was horrifying for her.
When her username came up (it was only a partial of her real username), she typed in her password and was told, "You're not Mary." It was only later, after asking a few questions, that she told me about the "before it goes away" message.
In my experience, I have never had anything like this happen to me. I've never seen anything like Upgrade to Windows 10 Now Before it Goes Away, nor have I ever been told I'm not Wynona when I typed in a wrong password!
Since she lives in Lufkin and I live in the Lake Livingston area, we didn't exchange information because it would be too costly for me to go to her as a freebie (which I mostly do), and she said her car wouldn't make it to Livingston. So there we left it.
I would like to know, though, has anyone ever had a message of "Upgrade to Windows 10 Now Before it Goes Away" and has anyone ever been told (when you typed in the wrong password) You're not (your name here) Mary? Further, has anyone ever experienced the wrong (or partial) name being inserted?
I advised her to call Best Buy, Office Depot, or any other computer shop around Lufkin, that she wouldn't be able to resolve the issue without help. I feel so bad for people like this.