What kind of product key is appropriate for insider of win10enterprise

  1. Posts : 28
    windows 10

    What kind of product key is appropriate for insider of win10enterprise

    Hi all,

    I have two win10 enterprise machines. Both are set to Insider preview. However while one (desktop) normally works, the other (notebook) has a problem with build 10547 or any other insider builds other than 10240; when boot, I cannot enter password directly; I need to hit ctrl/alt/del then I can enter password. Sometimes login screen doesn't appear, and in such a case I turn off and in a moment turn it on, then login screen appears.

    To tell the truth, I bought the two product keys from different shops. But the first internet shop is now temporarily closed, and the "correct" key isn't available. The second key was bought at ebay, but at that time I was using 10240 and didn't notice and left it. When upgrading, I noticed something was wrong.

    So I want to know what kinds of keys are available, and how I can buy the good one for an insider?


    EDIT: I tried showkey.exe on the notebook then it showed correct product name and product id, but the installed key is BBBBB-BBBBB-BBBBB-BBBBB-BBBBB (it's not typo) and OEM key: Windows vista OEM marker present. How can I erase this OEM marker? Maybe this makes my troubles. I was given this notebook from my wife recently and I erased all the partition of the hard disk, and installed build 10240 enterprise and began insider.
    Last edited by maverick6664; 10 Oct 2015 at 06:01.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 63
    win10 insider

    I am not sure but understand that there now NO activation keys for builds after 10240 and that it isn't possible to install an Insider build on a blank machine and activate it. It has to be an upgrade from a qualifying Win7 or 8.1

    Anyone selling keys is ripping you off.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 659
    10 preview 64bit

    You cannot erase the Vista OEM marker.
    Note Unless you upgraded Vista to 7 or 8 then you will only ever be able to run preview versions of 10.
    Your original vista key should be on the label on the bottom of the laptop, or in the battery compartment.

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,983
    Windows 10 x86 14383 Insider Pro and Core 10240

    Sounds like you've been duped.

    Windows [n= 7, 8, 10] Enterprise is a business solution sold to "enterprises" either directly from Microsoft or their resellers, and is based on a volume licence system - you pay for the number of machines in use in multiples as you increase your business at an increasing discount.

    Not just one here, another there - that would make no business sense to Microsoft or to you as an enterprise.

    There is no real Insider program for Windows 10 Enterprise and it perhaps will not be upgraded until a new "RTM" Windows 10 to supercede 10240 is released, and maybe not then.

    You can however trial Windows 10 Enterprise as a 90 day trial version, which may be rearmed to give you up to 270 days of use. You can then trial it again, and again if the historical availability of Enterprise trials remains unchanged.

    Why it isn't called "Enterprize" pussles me!?
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 28
    windows 10
    Thread Starter

    Fafhrd said:
    Sounds like you've been duped.

    Windows [n= 7, 8, 10] Enterprise is a business solution sold to "enterprises" either directly from Microsoft or their resellers, and is based on a volume licence system - you pay for the number of machines in use in multiples as you increase your business at an increasing discount.

    Not just one here, another there - that would make no business sense to Microsoft or to you as an enterprise.

    There is no real Insider program for Windows 10 Enterprise and it perhaps will not be upgraded until a new "RTM" Windows 10 to supercede 10240 is released, and maybe not then.

    You can however trial Windows 10 Enterprise as a 90 day trial version, which may be rearmed to give you up to 270 days of use. You can then trial it again, and again if the historical availability of Enterprise trials remains unchanged.

    Why it isn't called "Enterprize" pussles me!?
    Thank you. What puzzles me is that Education is almost the same as Enterprise.


      My Computer

  6. Posts : 5,749
    insider build 10586.3 win10 pro 64

    maverick6664 said:
    Thank you. What puzzles me is that Education is almost the same as Enterprise.


    and enterprise is almost the same as Pro, and Pro is almost he same as Home ,really not a lot of difference on the outside in any of the win10 versions
      My Computer


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