insider builds Yes/No

  1. Posts : 2
    W10 64x Pro

    insider builds Yes/No

    Are 'insider builds' still running/available
    Are there pros and cons
    If i did tick that box would i get anything useful
    Would i be allowing MS greater access to my system - security and what their tracking
    Any thoughts/knowledge people
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 22,740
    Windows 10 Home x64

    IGraham said:
    Are 'insider builds' still running/available
    Are there pros and cons
    If i did tick that box would i get anything useful
    Would i be allowing MS greater access to my system - security and what their tracking
    Any thoughts/knowledge people
    1. Yes.. the insider program is still up and running. The current build is 10547.
    2. Pros.. well you get the changes/improvements the fastest.
    3. Cons.. you get all the bugs that come along with the insider builds as well.. and there have been some.

    Overall,, if you don't want bugs that might come down with any of the builds stick with 10240(RTM). Up till now there hasn't been any major changes that are worth being in the insider program.

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 16,325

    IGraham said:
    Are 'insider builds' still running/available
    Are there pros and cons
    If i did tick that box would i get anything useful
    Would i be allowing MS greater access to my system - security and what their tracking
    Any thoughts/knowledge people
    What Jeff said.

    I might add, here is a post which will give you some good insights on the data collection and privacy concerns raised by some. But remember, if you go messing with the telemetry/feedback/data collection, it will mess up your Insider status. If you don't want to send information back to MS, better to stay out of the Insider program.
      My Computer

  4. Lee
    Posts : 4,793
    OS X, Win 10

    BunnyJ said:
    1. Yes.. the insider program is still up and running. The current build is 10547.
    2. Pros.. well you get the changes/improvements the fastest.
    3. Cons.. you get all the bugs that come along with the insider builds as well.. and there have been some.

    Overall,, if you don't want bugs that might come down with any of the builds stick with 10240(RTM). Up till now there hasn't been any major changes that are worth being in the insider program.

      My Computer

  5. Posts : 22,740
    Windows 10 Home x64

    Just one more thought.. you can always run the insider build in a VM or a dual boot configurations. That will give you a stable platform and one to test the new builds with.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 2
    W10 64x Pro
    Thread Starter

    Thanks for the info & thoughts
    Would seem as theres nothing significantly new to be gained and I'd have to switch data collection and such like back on (the bits i can switch off) then there is no good reason to join the insider program.
    Again Thanks for the help
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 16,325

    IGraham said:
    Thanks for the info & thoughts
    Would seem as theres nothing significantly new to be gained and I'd have to switch data collection and such like back on (the bits i can switch off) then there is no good reason to join the insider program.
    Again Thanks for the help
    Might want to have a read here.
      My Computer


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