Download Windows 10 Insider ISO File

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  1. Posts : 5,286
    Win 10 Pro x64

    keseyken said:
    Badrobot, I did clean installs of the ISO I previously made from the 10240 ESD today. They each activated. I entered the product code for 10240 as per the first post in this thread.

    Mine is a new machine that never had the preview version before. That is the work around that works to get the 10240 activated.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3,276
    Windows 10 and windows insider

    badrobot said:
    Mine is a new machine that never had the preview version before. That is the work around that works to get the 10240 activated.
    Thanks to you both. Gives me two routes to take.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 633
    Win 10 Pro x64 1607 (Build 14393.953)

    The best update routine for my Mac Pro system - EFI Windows 8.1 Pro?

    Hi all,

    Great thread. I have the 10240 running in a VM. Updated and activated. Still have my main SSD with a fully updated Windows 8.1 Pro x64. I read in some post that some are exporting their VM to their system disk. As I'm not that techie and a bit confused . I don't want to clean install and start all over with users / apps / settings / tweaks.

    I have a question about what the best update routine will be for my system: Mac Pro 5.1 (2012) running EFI Windows 8.1 Pro.

    Should I just wait until the update servers seed the RTM to my Windows 8.1 Pro system disk from 7/29? How will the upgrade presents itself, just with Windows Update?


      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,983
    Windows 10 x86 14383 Insider Pro and Core 10240

    I would say yes, play safe and wait. If you can wait longer, many teething troubles will be fixed in the first 3 months after release as statistically significant numbers of early adopters will uncover 90%+ of the defects in the release product. You may well notice an improvement in your VM over that time as the commonest problems are fixed.

    Although some sources say that 10240 is RTM, it still has some developer code, such as Flightsigning - developer code certificates - and many folk are still reporting *ahem* unexpected features, which are expected to be fixed in a rollup update before the advertised RTM release date of 29/07.

    It's like redecorating a room - it looks nice, but it still smells of fresh paint!
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 3,276
    Windows 10 and windows insider

    badrobot said:
    Mine is a new machine that never had the preview version before. That is the work around that works to get the 10240 activated.
    Badrobot, I went ahead and did the 10240 like Keseyken had done - activated and voila, all the apps that had not been working are now working. Sooooo happy that I did a clean, full install. Thanks for your help and direction and knowing that you had done the clean install without a hitch, even with a new mobo gave me the courage I needed.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 633
    Win 10 Pro x64 1607 (Build 14393.953)

    Fafhrd said:
    I would say yes, play safe and wait. If you can wait longer, many teething troubles will be fixed in the first 3 months after release as statistically significant numbers of early adopters will uncover 90%+ of the defects in the release product. You may well notice an improvement in your VM over that time as the commonest problems are fixed.

    Although some sources say that 10240 is RTM, it still has some developer code, such as Flightsigning - developer code certificates - and many folk are still reporting *ahem* unexpected features, which are expected to be fixed in a rollup update before the advertised RTM release date of 29/07.

    It's like redecorating a room - it looks nice, but it still smells of fresh paint!
    Thanks for your reply! Better Safe than Sorry!

      My Computer

  7. Posts : 5,286
    Win 10 Pro x64

    magilla said:
    Badrobot, I went ahead and did the 10240 like Keseyken had done - activated and voila, all the apps that had not been working are now working. Sooooo happy that I did a clean, full install. Thanks for your help and direction and knowing that you had done the clean install without a hitch, even with a new mobo gave me the courage I needed.

    Glad to hear that. All that we needed to know is that activation isn't totally dead for now.
      My Computer

  8. Leo
    Posts : 2
    Windows, Ubuntu

    badrobot said:
    Again, I am upgrading a non-activated 10166 to 10240 (in-progress). I will skip typing the key again and see if it will come out as ACTIVATED.

    Attachment 25127

    I'll be back.... :)


    Another success!

    Attachment 25131
    Badrobot, did you do any additional thing before you upgrade to build 10240? I feel a little strange why I can't get 10240 like you did.
    I know the must-do thing to get the upgrade is to connected account with the MSA which used to register for the Windows Insider Program, but I can't log in with the MSA, only thing I can do is using the Local Account to get the upgrade.

    I am using a non-activated 10166 in VirtualBox for 2 days, but I only receive Windows Defender upgrade till now......
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 696
    Windows 10 Build 14267

    Badrobot, did you do any additional thing before you upgrade to build 10240? I feel a little strange why I can't get 10240 like you did.
    If a machine has already had an activated preview build on it, the unique hardware hash is recorded at MS, so there's a chance you can clean install the latest build and get it activated after first reboot.

      My Computer

  10. Leo
    Posts : 2
    Windows, Ubuntu

    Vladimir said:
    If a machine has already had an activated preview build on it, the unique hardware hash is recorded at MS, so there's a chance you can clean install the latest build and get it activated after first reboot.

    I know what you mean.
    But in Badrobot's first post, he said "with a new Gigabyte motherboard". New motherboard should not have memory, I think.
    My computer(which installed Windows Insider build in) was too old, so I build a new computer(No OS) last Wednesday. Unfortunately, Microsoft just removed the ISO link and deactivated key, so I am seeking for how to get the Windows Insider build again.
      My Computer


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