Build related bios corruption? possible?
Might be a coincidence but my laptop updated to 15327, soon afterwards it went to sleep. A couple of hours later I woke it up, got a black screen and 3 beeps over and over. Rebooted, same 3 beeps, black screen. I took it apart, removed the cmos battery, main battery and removed 1 stick of ram.
I've had this issue before but never connected it to an update. To fix it I discovered that if I cycle the power numerous times with the cmos and laptop batteries removed the bios randomly catch and the machine would fire up but might not boot again for many, many power cycles. I was about to give up when it finally caught.
I had put a ms-dos bootable memory stick with the bios file executable in a USB port. As soon as the Dell logo appeared I hit F12, from the boot menu I had to select legacy boot, to be able to boot from USB. It did, At the DOS prompt I ran the bios update file with the switch /forceit. The update went without a hitch. Then the laptop booted normally but on reboot it would try to boot from the network. I went into the bios and set the boot sequence back to windows boot manager and it's been working perfectly ever since.
Before the bios corruption I noticed that I still didn't have news and interests on the taskbar. After I re-flashed the bios and as soon as it booted up I saw that news and interests had appeared. That made me wonder if the insider update had somehow corrupted the bios.
My laptop is a Dell Inspiron 15z 5523. To create the bootable flash drive I followed # 2 in these instructions: