Laptop keyboard disabled by failed Insider update
Current build Insider Preview Pro 21301 x64
Ever since the first Insider Preview build 21213 upgrade failed the first time the keyboard has been unusable on my laptop. 😢
It works on boot & in the BIOS but not after Windows has loaded. 😢
I have at least a dozen manual upgrades, roll backs with both 21213 & 21218 (plus another in between those) & NOTHING I do will get the keyboard usable again. 😢
In Device Manager it shows the keyboards not working & I will add a couple of screen captures in a few minutes from that laptop. 😕 I am using my phone to write the thread initially & I can only use my laptop by choosing the on board keyboard with myself mouse then use my mouse to select each individual letter!! 😲 Painstaking!! 😢
Oh! I have tried many divers both original for this laptop ss well as the latest ones. Still no usable keyboard .
Any assistance is urgently requested. 😀
Thanks for any ideas. 😁