When FCC Kills Net Neutrality, Here's What Internet Could Look Like

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    When FCC Kills Net Neutrality, Here's What Internet Could Look Like

    When FCC Kills Net Neutrality, Here's What Internet Could Look Like

    Posted: 27 Nov 2017

    When The FCC Kills Net Neutrality, Here's What Your Internet Could Look Like

    The new FCC commission, Ajit Pai, formerly worked as a lawyer for Verizon. His plan to eliminate net neutrality is a bigger gift to Verizon than anything he's ever done before.

    In just a few weeks, the FCC will vote to eliminate net neutrality. The vote isn't in doubt: with Pai in charge, the anti-neutrality votes have a 3-2 edge. Without net neutrality, Internet service providers will be able to charge web companies for "fast lanes," which they can't do now. Smaller online video or videogame providers could be relegated to the slow lane. The biggest service providers (Netflix, Google, Amazon, and others) may have to cough up extra money, but the consumers won't see any of that–all the benefits will go to the ISPs. Consumers could see their rates go up.

    Higher fees for lousier service. Does this sound familiar? That's how cable companies have operated for years.
    Full article: When The FCC Kills Net Neutrality, Here's What Your Internet Could Look Like
    Posted By: Tony K
    27 Nov 2017

  1. Posts : 1,113
    win 10

    Oliver's rants are awesome. Pretty much agree with entire rant.

    With appointees like FCC head, EPA, State, you get what ya voted for.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 7,724
    3-Win-7Prox64 3-Win10Prox64 3-LinuxMint20.2

    Last I checked there's not a whole lot of different internet speed plans to choose from all are pretty much the same speed
    The price has already gone up to do that
    So that was due to net neutrality and if you tested your internet speed it usually falls far short of any advertised speed since all say "Up Too" ...speed :)
    So it was all a crock anyway.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 285
    win 7 8 10

    its always about the big business when it comes to regulations
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 5,899
    Win 11 Pro (x64) 22H2

    ThrashZone said:
    Last I checked there's not a whole lot of different internet speed plans to choose from all are pretty much the same speed
    The price has already gone up to do that
    So that was due to net neutrality and if you tested your internet speed it usually falls far short of any advertised speed since all say "Up Too" ...speed :)
    So it was all a crock anyway.
    Are you actually aware of the issue? This is NOT about different ISP speed plans, it's about ISP's gaining the ability to alter how your content is delivered. Example: Don't like what CNN has to say, charge them a higher price than say FOX news. Netflix becoming too big, hostage them by lowering their speeds unless they pay higher speed premiums.

    It's one thing when say Comcast can charge higher prices based on speed alone as that affects everyone. It's another thing when they can charge simply based on content alone. That has the smell of censorship. There are other implications as well.... not just higher internet prices.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 1,507
    W10 22H2 19045.3031

    ThrashZone said:

    So that was due to net neutrality and if you tested your internet speed it usually falls far short of any advertised speed since all say "Up Too" ...speed :)
    Hummmmm! That is so NOT the case for me. I have 60/5 and you can see they always over provision
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails When FCC Kills Net Neutrality, Here's What Internet Could Look Like-som.jpg  
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 26,609
    Windows 11 Pro 26100.1591

    If this goes through the speed to certain sites can be controlled, the NET will never be the same. Play Steam Games? They will charge a fee. AT&T, Google Comcastand Verizon are behind this. This is a serious matter and it must be stopped.
    Last edited by Josey Wales; 27 Nov 2017 at 15:43. Reason: Correction
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 18,467
    Windows 11 Pro

    I just don't remember things being all that bad on June 11, 2015...
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 26,609
    Windows 11 Pro 26100.1591

    NavyLCDR said:
    I just don't remember things being all that bad on June 11, 2015...
    That was 2 1/2 years ago. This is 11.27.2017 what is your point?
    Maybe if you took some time to read jato this is about you may have a different view.


    Will they hand the internet over to the big cable companies? Not if we do something about it.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 5,899
    Win 11 Pro (x64) 22H2

    Josey Wales said:
    If this goes through the speed to certain sites can be controlled, the NET will never be the same. Play Steam Games? They will charge a fee. AT&T, Google and Verizon are behind this. This is a serious matter and it must be stopped.
    Exactly. And it can also lead to censorship via speed throttling based on content - aka political or religious views for example.

    NavyLCDR said:
    I just don't remember things being all that bad on June 11, 2015...
    We also had a very different political climate in which we find ourselves now. This seems politically motivated, especially given the "fake news" mantra bandied about in a childish manner.
      My Computers


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