Seeing a list of installed Office updates is easy in the Control Panel.....
...but there's no way to export that to a file other than reading the list and typing it yourself. To generate a list you can save to a file would require a PowerShell script, such as these.
GitHub - tomarbuthnot/Get-MicrosoftUpdate: Shows all Microsoft Updates, not just Windows Updates like Get-HotFix
Assuming you have an older Office version such as my MSOffice 2007 [because current Office versions do not seem to work in the same way]:-
Step 1 - Run this Powershell PS1 file to create a list on your Desktop
It is based on code posted by 1981DMC in getting list of installed Office packages - SpiceWorksCode:$ThisUserDesktop = [environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop') Get-ItemProperty ` HKLM:\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* ` | Where {$_.DisplayName -like "*Office*"} ` | Select-Object DisplayName, HelpLink ` | Export-Csv -Path $ThisUserDesktop\OfficeUpdatesList.csv -NoTypeInformation
I have not tested this with any Desktop paths containing special characters such as ampersands [&].
Step 2 - Open the list in Excel, freeze the top row, add AutoFilter to the top row so you can filter by blanks in the HelpLink column and delete those rows [those rows are not updates]. Save the file as an Excel file.
Step 3 - What you are left with are Office updates. There are a few repetitions in the list, because Windows records some of them twice, so use AutoFilter to sort them into DisplayName alphabetical order so you can spot and delete many of the repetitions. Control panel, Programs & features, View installed updates also repeats some entries.
Step 4 - Use normal Excel text manipulation functions to extract KB numbers into a column of their own. The HelpLink column is probably the easiest one to work with.
Step 5 - You could then be cautious and check against the list in the Office 'group' of Control panel, Programs & features, View installed updates to check for additional entries to add to OfficeUpdatesList.xlsx. I have just done so and the list produced in Step 1 matched completely [once you decide that repetitions in either list do not matter].
I have no idea if this procedure applies to later versions of MSOffice. I only have MSOffice 2007.
All the best,
Last edited by Try3; 06 Dec 2021 at 12:09.
Wasn't this a whole time ago and why is this still relevant? - confused! -
It's relevant because, even though support ended a long time ago, Windows Update should still be providing Office updates up to and including the last issued update. Some still use Office 2007, and would want to check if they are as up to date as possible.
In fact, Windows Update still services earlier versions too. Last week I re-installed Office 2003 on one machine and Windows Update promptly found 27 updates for it.
Great help, thank you!
Exactly. Specifically, we clean-imaged Windows to our daughter's new laptop & after installing Office 2007 there were 50 updates via Windows Update.
- - - Updated - - -
the excel list repeated "SP1 (kb936982)" once and repeated "SP3 (kb2526086)" 16 times,
listed 5 Help updates for various specific Office programs
and 16 HelpLink blank columns "[those rows are not updates]"
whereas our Control Panel list of Office updates looks like:
, so "be cautious and check against the list in ... View installed updates"
There are 50 Office updates listed via CP > view updates
and 39 on the Excel list, including 17 repeats & 16 with blank entries in the HelpLink column
I think because we had included 30+ update.MSP files in our install/Updates directory, but
they seemed to be downloaded and installed when we ran Windows Update to "receive updates for other Ms products when you update Windows."
Could be our system copied those MSP files to the system and, for whatever reason, either didn't actually apply them during our initial installation or decided to re-download and install them during Windows Update. It certainly took the time to "download" each of those files and install them one-by-one during the Windows Update process.
I never thought to check the list of installed Office updates before running Windows Update...
Anyways, they're not showing up on the Excel list.
Yes, if you had downloaded Office updates [.msp files] but not run them then WU would have downloaded them again.
If you had run them then WU should not have repeated them.
Your CP installed updates screenshot also includes some repetitions. I've no idea what causes them.