How does one find the OneDrive desktop version at all? Did a query and what the hay?!!
Attachment 153462
Try using sigcheck to see if it prints a version number.
Sigcheck - Windows Sysinternals | Microsoft Docs
LOL! It'll OneDrive anyone to drink!
You all do know that there's a OneDrive UWP app via the store, yes? Been around since W8. Personally I like it better. Search the Sore or
At least it shows its version in its settings.
Attachment 153466
Attachment 153468
You are right, though this "Beta" version is working way better for me than the "stable" one. :)
On my other machine 15063.608 I have same one drive version as on my insider machine. But I guess it's because I have enabled Insider Release Preview there, which gives me the latest Apps, but keeps Windows itself on latest release version.
Files on demand working great on both machines. :)