I think they have given up on this build completely, it will be simpler to just release a new one instead.
I think they have given up on this build completely, it will be simpler to just release a new one instead.
12.46 here.
No result with the overnight percolation.
Still getting the "Retry..." script. Pro 64-bit.
I think that the boys and girls at Redmond were all sleeping it off while we jumped all over this build.
Now, if I was a betting man, but I'm not, but if I was, I bet you that this build smells a lot like a major release that my just need a few numbers next to it like 16288.10. 1709![]()
Game of retry.
You don't have to change anything in regional menus, just install UK English language pack and apply it to your user account.
When done, force Windows to run OOBE by sysprepping it with following command:
%windir%\system32\sysprep\sysprep.exe /oobe /reboot
Windows restarts in OOBE, asking in which language you would like to set it up. Screenshot from an US English W10 where I have installed Finnish language pack (Suomi with upper case S = Finland, with lower case s = Finnish) and run Sysprep to restart in OOBE:
If you have several language packs installed, they are all shown here letting you to choose Windows system language.
Selecting Finnish now my Windows system language will be changed to Finnish which automatically changes each and every regional setting to Finnish, from numbering, time and date formats as well as week start (Monday in Europe, Sunday in US) to computer location, Store location and so on.
Notice that when this forced OOBE in an existing installation comes to initial user setup, you can't use any existing user profile names. Just create a temporary account (I use local account Dummy for this) and sign out from that when OOBE is done and you will be signed to desktop, sign in with your original admin account and delete the temporary user.
Whole process takes just a few minutes.
We gotta get the updates before we can catch the problems, Keith. :) I was late to the party, but decided to jump in anyway, with the same results as everyone else.
Obviously, there is a difference between delivery to the "first line" testers (Microsoft Personnel; Partners; OEMs) and to us Insiders. That's only logic, and of course, I'm not knowledgeable enough to pinpoint what it it is.
I'm also sensing more discussion of the issue than outrage at the moment. Which is good to see.
@ The More Technical among us: Should Microsoft go back to the ESD type of delivery for now, and is there a way for y'all to test delivery methods for Microsoft? Or . . . is that what we're doing anyway?![]()