Windows 10 Fall Creators Update coming October 17th 2017
I don't use much from the Windows Store, I will probably have to uninstall loads of their unwanted apps again. And I'll be checking all the privacy settings too! Will FCU keep my printer installation, I wonder?
I don't use much from the Windows Store, I will probably have to uninstall loads of their unwanted apps again. And I'll be checking all the privacy settings too! Will FCU keep my printer installation, I wonder?
I just got my reminder notification popup from Outlook for Tuesday 
I don't use much from the Windows Store, I will probably have to uninstall loads of their unwanted apps again. ... I wonder?
As I understand it MS are becoming less aggressive about Candy Crush et. al. I've read that the more recent upgrades don't reinstall Apps you have previously removed.
That's great news re the Windows Store apps and glad to know I won't have to faff about with my printer.
FCU, bring it on, I'm ready for you!
Thanks to last 3 posters for your replies. Good to know everything will stay the same. I use Classic Shell but I can sort that out OK. And I'll be backing everything up off course, just in case anything should go wrong! Thanks again.
Classic Shell shouldn't give you any problems at all. I installed the FCU on 2 PCs, both running Classic Shell. Got a one-time popup immediately after installation completed asking for permission to start Classic Shell and then a quick popup confirming that it started.
For me a major update like this deserves a clean install. I did a clean install when moving from 8.1 to 10 and then a clean on The last creators update and I will certainly do the same for this update. It's certainly not a must do! but I like to have a clean system from time to time. I just wonder when I will be able to get my hand on the ISO!? Will the Media creation tool be updated the same day or is there another way to get it fast?
For me a major update like this deserves a clean install. I did a clean install when moving from 8.1 to 10 and then a clean on The last creators update and I will certainly do the same for this update. It's certainly not a must do! but I like to have a clean system from time to time. I just wonder when I will be able to get my hand on the ISO!? Will the Media creation tool be updated the same day or is there another way to get it fast?
If you can't wait till Tuesday, you can download the ISO now from the MS official site by following this link
You will only get the .15 version. To get to .19 you either need to register for Insider Preview (updates only) or wait till Tuesday evening's Windows Update.
That's great news re the Windows Store apps and glad to know I won't have to faff about with my printer.
FCU, bring it on, I'm ready for you!

I know that we are from different countries and all, but I am just curious....what does "faff" mean?