The other day we were discussing unwanted UWP apps of which for me never get installed from build to build once uninstalled. I thought I'd double check and found they weren't, but I saw that the Games app wasn't installed. I thought that odd for I always had that app, so I clicked on it to install. An error showed up and has been notifying me every time I boot the past few days with “We’ll try again”.
On that immediate app install my system started running weird in that I had limited mouse functions in Edge. I could open another tab, but could not close it. The mouse curser wouldn’t change to a hand nor a line to highlight. Couldn’t close it out even with the KB combo Alt/F4. Had to use Task Manager. What the install attempt had to do with Edge is a mystery.
Performed a dism restore health then a sfc scan which reported violations that it couldn’t fix. Hmm. I booted to my CU partition to finish the day. Next morning, I boot up and it bypassed my boot screen right to 353. Hmm again. Did a restore but it said that failed, but the system did run better. Did another file scan which reported no violations. Just plain weird. A Store reset did no good. Finally stopped the install and all is good.
In thinking on it, I don't think that app belongs in my Store for I think it’s part of Xbox, which is installed.
BTW, I blame this all on Edwin.