Mine updated quick. 25 minutes from start to restart screen. Another 20 minutes to completed boot. That's approximately a half hour quicker than usual. Only failure was making an ISO with UUPtoISO. Never failed before.
Took about 2 hours from downloading to desktop.
Just a wild guess, but maybe the general speedup we're all seeing is the result of what they (MS) were trying to do that caused all of their self-host crashes and roll-backs. They maybe were re-engineering the whole UUP scenario and hit a ton of bugs. Then finally got it and released.
Probably good they do fix the already deployed features before bringing in the new. Compounding errors would be bad for all. Reading all that has been fixed on this build, the worker bees have been busy.
I thought about my old Dell Inspiron running on 10S and it's not a bad idea at all. It's getting by quite well on 10 Pro but 10S would be easier on it. I need to upgrade the wife's Dell Vista machine and she just may get 10S. She uses Android tablets for most things but thinks she deserves an upgraded Windows machine also, lol!