Cumulative Update KB4034658 Windows 10 v1607 Build 14393.1593

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  1. Posts : 33,909
    10 Home x64 (22H2) (10 Pro on 2nd pc)

    Judesman said:
    Do You have "No updates installed yet" on 1607 and a list of updates on 1703?
    I have machines with 1607 and 1703 too. The 'known issue'...
    Microsoft KB4034658 said:
    Known issues in this update

    Symptom Workaround
    “Update History” does not list previously installed updates. As an alternative, to see which quality updates have been applied, navigate to the inventory by going to Control Panel -> Programs -> “View Installed Updates”
    ...only affects 1607, my 1703 still has its full update history after the latest update.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 92
    Windows 10 Home 64 bit 21H2

    Judesman said:
    Do You have "No updates installed yet" on 1607 and a list of updates on 1703?
    Yes mate, I do have the same problem, but everyone does I guess.
    You can check it in control panel as Bree told you.
    See you
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 199
    Windows 10

    Unfortunately Control Panel does not include all updates. The Creators Privacy update isn't displayed.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 92
    Windows 10 Home 64 bit 21H2

    Well I am not sure, I did uninstall the update for Creators update (creators privacy), because I do not need it. I am very happy with 1607. I can see some updates in control panel, not all of them for sure.
    See you
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 2,297
    Windows 10 Pro (64 bit)

    91fw said:
    Bo, can you describe that privacy notice a bit? the reason I ask is because few weeks back I had some KB about privacy, it installed, but never asked anything. So I continue to wait for Creators ... and wait and wait. It's getting annoying. Since my history was wiped off yesterday in the UI for updates, all I have is a list of all updates in control panel, but they don't tell me what those KBs were about.
    Have you or Judesman had anything come through on windows update yet? I am still waiting. I tweet Microsoft support almost daily wanting an explanation but they choose to ignore it. I found that privacy settings kb update listed in add/remove programs of all places. It was installed back on 4th July and here we are on 16th august and creators still has not appeared. Shambolic!
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 103
    Windows 7-pro-sp1 and windows 10-pro-1803

    Scottyboy99, A privacy update came through. Day later - nothing.
    I got tired of waiting and needed tofind time to babysit it. So I made an image, booted up, clicked Update now. It downloaded Upgrade Assistant, ran it, 30min download, 30min installation. They did not ruin my dual boot, but changed the default booting to Win10 from 7, and failed to install a printer driver for HP 5530 printer. I installed it from a saved drivers folder I made a while back.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 2,297
    Windows 10 Pro (64 bit)

    Thanks for the feedback. I guess I am hung up on why windows update won't do its job and just push it. I get the impression most users on this forum used upgrade assistant or media creation to install it. I know a fair few people who are still waiting and many of us using hardware that's far from obsolete. It's really frustrating and only fuels my disdain for Microsoft for what I perceive to be a farcical rollout. I'm not a fan of their policy of frequent feature updates as it is and this saga doesn't help. I'm sure the ridiculous privacy settings thing is part of the problem.

    The problem with the upgrade assistant is it's all well and good for us users who frequent forums like this and know about it. But what about the hordes of less informed users who rely on windows update to bring them updates. Anyway am glad it seemed to install well for you - trouble is there is another big update imminent in the fall. Is that meaning September? Not sure in the UK exactly when fall is.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 91
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    Scottyboy99 said:
    But what about the hordes of less informed users who rely on windows update to bring them updates.
    Well they shouldn't have an issue with that in the first place. 1703 is not a necessity by any means. By now I've compared AU and CU and can say no difference in productivity or stability for me whatsoever. Both my all the way back from Windows 7 evolved AU and freshly installed CU in dual boot run equally flawless on my ancient machine which I use for anything except gaming.

    The bottom line for this whole dragged out rollout strategy was to interfere with those user's machines as little as possible. Meanwhile Microsoft themselves advocate the use of Upgrade Assistant as reasonably safe. At this point I personally think waiting for it to come through WU has become entirely pointless. And again, even if it still does, it's no guarantee it goes well, as has happened to me. On the other hand, plenty of folks have upgraded manually with no issues, and may as well would've waited forever otherwise (insert waiting skeleton meme here :))

    And I'm not sure if this forum or Twitter are the right platforms if you seriously want Microsoft's help or attention. At least not for individual tech support. Your best bet are the Microsoft forums that ambituous tech reps and engineers frequent, as DavidY made us aware of in the "Broadcom" thread.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 72,429
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations
    Thread Starter
      My Computers


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