Cumulative Update KB4034674 Windows 10 v1703 Build 15063.540

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  1. Posts : 10,311
    Wndows 10 Pro x64 release preview channel

    AntJac said:
    Installed with no issues. My spotlight remains broke though. It works fine when logged into Windows but on a cold boot the image is a default Picture. Very annoying as I have tried all the fixed too.
    I have had that issue for the last few days but not found a way to fix it
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 263
    Windows 10 Home x64

    Installed the update, so far so good. :)
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 386
    Windows 10 Pro

    DooGie said:
    I have had that issue for the last few days but not found a way to fix it
    Glad it's not just me and Bree with that issue! Its so strange as it was working fine earlier in the day
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2,557
    Windows 10 pro x64-bit

    I have just finished installing KB4034674 on both of my PCs. Everything went flawlessly smooth and faster than ever

    Cumulative Update KB4034674 Windows 10 v1703 Build 15063.540-winver-after-kb4034674.png

    Still no joy, However, with regard to "Advanced Settings" in Windows Firewall & network Protection. See my post #39 in KB4032188, the previous CU:

    Cumulative Update KB4032188 Windows 10 v1703 Build 15063.502

      My Computers

  5. Posts : 504
    Win10 20236.1000 64bit Pro and Win7 SP1 Ultimate

    15063 kb4034674

    Installed in the office on 5 systems with no issues so far.

      My Computers

  6. Posts : 953
    windows 10 home premium

    New update

    I got new update everything running fine so far.

    Cumulative Update KB4034674 Windows 10 v1703 Build 15063.540-10-update.png
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 3,113
    W10 Pro + W10 Preview

    Installed via Update on gaming MSI laptop....found it impossible to get Logitech MX Master mouse to work.
    Did a System Restore, spent ages trying again to reinstall mouse, eventually managed to install another Bluetooth mouse which seemed to fire up the MX mouse although trying to control pointer speed proved almost impossible.
    Reinstalled this latest Cumulative update which then restored things back to normal...what a kerfuffle.
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 874
    Windows 11 x64 24H2 (26100.2314)

    Downloading the update now. Thanks Brink.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 137
    Windows 10 x64

    Somehow it installed. Unfortunately the update procedure (or rather preparation for it) started right after logging in this evening. You guessed it already: that meant a lot of waiting for scanning, downloading, unpacking etc. Windows should wait 15 min or so with checking for updates after booting, in my opinion. Would make the whole process a lot faster. And it would avoid a rather stupid ESENT 508-warning. Because of the fact that it took 28 seconds to write something to "C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore\Logs\edb.log" Windows suspects a hardware error of 'some device'. Duh. When harddisk usage is around 100% for some time because of unpacking / updating and scanning (the malicious software tool got an update and started to get busy ALSO) it just 'might' take some time before something gets written completely. Windows update is obviously not even recognizing its own activity during updating. Sigh. Anyway, saw this event id 508 on another system also now and then , for example during an Office update directly after logging in. Why on earth not waiting those 15 minutes and give some breathing space right after logging in???
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 927
    Windows 10 Pro 64bit 22H2 19045.4894


    Had the standard 35-40 min turnaround time with no apparent problems
      My Computers


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