Widespread landline and cellphone outages have hit Atlantic Canada,

    Widespread landline and cellphone outages have hit Atlantic Canada,

    Widespread landline and cellphone outages have hit Atlantic Canada,

    Posted: 04 Aug 2017


    Lost my landline phone, no dial tone. No cable TV, and only partial Internet. I'm on fiber. I don't own a cell phone so right now we don't have any 911 service.
    Before I knew of the outage I called almost a dozen Bell customer support numbers from my neighbors phone and just got a contiguous ring with no answer. She is with the competition.
    Initially we had no Internet but slowly got some of it back. Tried to contact Bell online but those pages/sites are down too. So I had my wife try to contact our daughter on Facebook and that's when we found out what's going on.
    alphanumeric's Avatar Posted By: alphanumeric
    04 Aug 2017

  1. Posts : 15,218
    Windows 10 IoT

    Everything is back up finally. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-s...nces-1.4235224 The outage was caused by accidental damage to multiple fibre network links.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 353
    Windows 10 Pro

    alphanumeric said:
    Everything is back up finally. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-s...nces-1.4235224 The outage was caused by accidental damage to multiple fibre network links.
    We had something similar in the U.K. a few months ago, makes you think doesn't it !
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 15,218
    Windows 10 IoT
    Thread Starter

    zooburner said:
    We had something similar in the U.K. a few months ago, makes you think doesn't it !
    There was a small panic around here. 911 service was lost for some. Dispatch issues for Police and ambulance too. Interact, POS issues too for some retailers. It was a mess. Bell just stopped answering their customer service lines. No pre recorded message, no busy signal, just an endless ring, ring, ring.
      My Computer


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