You make some nice points here and I can understand why you and others (even MS employees) are inclined to call the Skip Ahead builds RS4 and everyone is entitled to their opinion. No boubt the Skip Ahead builds will eventually lead to a RS4 build next year, but to call them RS4 now is simply a misnomer. The Skip Ahead builds (the current 16257.1000 and the builds to come) are called rs_prerelease builds.
Here is why I believe this to be so:
Windows 15063.540
and here is Windows 16257.1000
Unless Microsoft decides to change the way they have previously released Windows 10 builds, the rs_prerelease reference in the registry for these builds is not going to change to rs4_release until sometimes in the Spring of 2018 when RS4 is releaded. All future Skip Ahead builds until that time will retain the rs_prerelease reference and thus are not RS4 yet.
If they keep true to their tradition, before or just after public release of Fall/Autumn Creators, everything new would be de facto Rs4 . (Rose by any other name.....).
Apparently you have not understood me, read this comment carefully: Announcing Windows 10 Insider Fast Build 16257 PC + 15237 Mobile
I agree that the current build of rs_prerelease should not be called RS4, because that build still belongs to RS3, when Microsoft releases some build of the next branch, which could be 17001 or something like that, that build will belong to RS4 and can be called RS4.
You should also carefully read the tweets I put in this comment: Announcing Windows 10 Insider Fast Build 16257 PC + 15237 Mobile they talk about the builds of the next branch (17001 or something like that) not the current build.