Announcing Windows 10 Insider Fast Build 16257 PC + 15237 Mobile Insider

  1. Posts : 19,533
    W11+W11 Developer Insider + Linux

    cereberus said:
    OK, assuming we get a build today, what time can we expect to see it in UK or EU?
    It usually starts at 7PM here. Few times it was after midnight.
    While we are so far of the theme, I have a problem with printing and not sure if it's because of this build or in general. Got me a "new" printer the other day, an "HP Laserjet P 2015". Windows found drivers and installed them at once and I also downloaded them from HP. Only problem is that it doesn't print from all places. Not printing from pictures, Notepad and Photo viewer but does just fine from Office applications and browsers for instance.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 1,524
    Windows 10 Pro (32-bit) 16299.15

    cereberus said:
    Even as a native Brit, I cannot work out what the plural of an ex is. Exes is most logical - fox, foxes, but of course ex is a prefix which you cannot pluralise.
    But suppose one had a collection of .exe files (like setup.exe)? The plural of these is probably 'exes' too?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 50,055
    Windows 10 Home 64bit 21H1 and insider builds

    cereberus said:
    OK, assuming we get a build today, what time can we expect to see it in UK or EU?
    Usually 18:00 UK time.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3,954
    64-bit Win10 Pro Insider Build 19569

    - any rumours on the build number yet?
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    BugMeister said:
    - any rumours on the build number yet?
    Buildfeed shows current canary build as 16269, but that's already over a week old.

    Announcing Windows 10 Insider Fast Build 16257 PC + 15237 Mobile-image.png
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 50,055
    Windows 10 Home 64bit 21H1 and insider builds

    Kari said:
    Buildfeed shows current canary build as 16269, but that's already over a week old.

    Announcing Windows 10 Insider Fast Build 16257 PC + 15237 Mobile-image.png
    They haven't even got the current build number right.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 1,983
    Windows 10 x86 14383 Insider Pro and Core 10240

    Probably one of the ex-builds then.

    As ex's are a contraction of ex-somethings, like ex-spouses, the C+W video title was probably the most correctest (with due reverence to local grammar and lexical usage), so ex's is probably best, with the apostrophe denoting the missing part of the contractions.

    For .exes - this would suffice for .exe files to replace executable files if number of characters is limiting
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 15,895

    Fafhrd said:
    Probably one of the ex-builds then. As ex's are a contraction of ex-somethings, like ex-spouses, the C+W video title was probably the most correctest (with due reverence to local grammar and lexical usage), so ex's is probably best, with the apostrophe denoting the missing parts of the contractions.
    I did like idea of exen - it has a touch of linguistic class.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 1,983
    Windows 10 x86 14383 Insider Pro and Core 10240

    cereberus said:
    I did like idea of exen - it has a touch of linguistic class.
    And it rhymes with Hexen...

    As in:

    I would gather up my exen,
    Encode them in a game of Hexen
    And blast them daily with spells and curses,
    And so on and so on for many more verses...
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 7,252
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit

    Hexen takes me back to my early gaming.
      My Computers


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