I remember getting an email and followed instructions, but I deleted the email so wouldn't know the date. Here's what I have.
Attachment 149747
Oy vey! Although I've been careful to delete devices in my MS account, look at all the PCs I've collected in OneDrive through time.
Attachment 149749
The listed PCs must be the assigned numbers given upon install, but I've changed the names and didn't record the number. New names are changed in my MS account > Devices tab. Would someone please check if that number is indeed posted in OneDrive?
If so, how would I know which ones to remove? I have 3 PCs and the phone, but I know the phone won't be listed. I must have them all on to see which ones connect? All set to "fetch files" settings? I will suggest that the MS changes the name here also.
Attachment 149751
Here's that help page linked there: Fetch files on your PC - OneDrive