Announcing Windows 10 Insider Fast Build 16257 PC + 15237 Mobile Insider

  1. Posts : 1,524
    Windows 10 Pro (32-bit) 16299.15

    Kari said:
    Could you please check the .csv file and see if the device serial is in decimal or hexadecimal format?
    It's just the number 0.

    But that's standard for VirtualBox, as I discovered following another discussion on serial numbers earlier on in this thread, after Edwin posted the info that serial numbers are now visible online on the Devices page for our Microsoft Accounts.

    I think the TL;DR was that they're text strings. Someone had a 'serial number' which was the string 'System Serial Number'.

    Edwin said:
    Yep! :) If you're in, you're in! If you're out, sucks to be you!

    Insider machines have an additional Device ID number, whereas, non-Insider machines don't:

    Attachment 147625

    It's all online, PC Name, Model No., Serial No.:

    Attachment 147627
    Edwin said:
    Type WMIC BIOS GET SERIALNUMBER into an elevated Command Prompt and press Enter.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    cereberus said:
    lenovo laptop host pro 64bit 162571 - failed like yours.
    No, according to your error message yours failed because NuGet package provider is / was not installed:

    cereberus said:
    PackageManagement\Import-PackageProvider : No match was found for the specified search
    criteria and provider name 'NuGet'.
    Try with Unrestricted execution policy:

    Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser

    Then the script install without -Force switch:

    Install-Script -Name Get-WindowsAutoPilotInfo

    You need to enter Y and press Enter a few times (PATH change, NuGet install and "Untrusted repository") but it should install:

    Announcing Windows 10 Insider Fast Build 16257 PC + 15237 Mobile-image.png
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 15,867

    Kari said:
    No, according to your error message yours failed because NuGet package provider is / was not installed:

    Try with Unrestricted execution policy:

    Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser

    Then the script install without -Force switch:

    Install-Script -Name Get-WindowsAutoPilotInfo

    You need to enter Y and press Enter a few times (PATH change, NuGet install and "Untrusted repository") but it should install:

    Announcing Windows 10 Insider Fast Build 16257 PC + 15237 Mobile-image.png
    Host failed same as you. I only posted vm failure.

    I will try other way tomorrow.

    I am FINNISHed for the day .
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    Fabler2 said:
    Screenshot shows no errors, which in case of PowerShell means it succeeded.

    Excellent Kari.
    ​Means I actually helped your highness? Thanks for the effort I went to... please don't mention it.
    I take that "your highness", in fact your whole post as an insult.

    How on earth could you take it personally when I simply stated facts: your test failed first time because you personally made an error, your command line contained the same command twice which of course causes a failure. Trying to be polite, I also told you the most probable cause, CTRL + V being pressed accidentally twice.

    Your next test, the screenshot clearly shows no errors, command succeeding, yet you posted that it failed again. I told that no, it didn't fail, as can be seen in your screenshot.

    Dear Fabler, let's make a deal: please do not ever again response to my requests for assistance. I have no time nor patience to cater to the needs of ballerinas.

    Peace, out,

      My Computer

  5. Posts : 477
    Win 10 Pro x64 19645 Fast

    Announcing Windows 10 Insider Fast Build 16257 PC + 15237 Mobile-kari-test.jpg

    uefi, x64
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 1,524
    Windows 10 Pro (32-bit) 16299.15

    I've tried it again. This time it's a physical device - a cheap tablet which came with Windows 10 (so it's in UEFI mode), 32 bit, 1GB of RAM.

    It runs the script OK too.
    Announcing Windows 10 Insider Fast Build 16257 PC + 15237 Mobile-screenshot-3-.png

    The serial number on this one is "To be filled by O.E.M." (I said it was a cheap one ) so neither hex nor decimal.
    The top of the CSV file looks like this:
    Device Serial Number,Windows Product ID,Hardware Hash
    To be filled by O.E.M.,{etc}
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    Fisher Mann said:
    uefi, x64

    DavidY said:
    I've tried it again. This time it's a physical device - a cheap tablet which came with Windows 10 (so it's in UEFI mode), 32 bit, 1GB of RAM.

    The serial number on this one is "To be filled by O.E.M." (I said it was a cheap one ) so neither hex nor decimal.
    That means that the tablet could not be enabled for self deployment.

    This is really interesting!
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 5,106
    Windows 10 preview 64-bit Home

    Kari said:
    I take that your highness, in fact your whole post as an insult.

    How on earth could you take it personally when I simply stated facts: your test failed first time because you personally made an error, your command line contained the same command twice which of course causes a failure. Trying to be polite, I also told you the most probable cause, CTRL + V being pressed accidentally twice.

    Your next test, the screenshot clearly shows no errors, command succeeding, yet you posted that it failed again. I told that no, it didn't fail, as can be seen in your screenshot.

    Dear Fabler, let's make a deal: please do not ever again response to my requests for assistance. I have no time nor patience to cater to the needs of ballerinas.

    Peace, out,

    Ballerinas? What right do you think you have to call my character a " ballerina" ? Get off your technical white horse, expert as you are, and retract that nasty comment.
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    Fabler2 said:
    Ballerinas? What right do you think you have to call my character a " ballerina" ? Get off your technical white horse, expert as you are, and retract that nasty comment.
    And "your highness" was OK? If you start something, be ready to see it through.

    I meant every word. Case closed, I will not respond to this anymore.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 17,661
    Windows 10 Pro

    Thanks geeks for your help.

    I would like to write some tuts about this feature, and hit the wall in testing it. Now, thanks to you I have more information to start looking why it occasionally fails.

    Interesting detail is that the same information collected with the script is used to identify hardware regarding digital licenses. If the data cannot be collected, how can a digital license be assigned?


      My Computer


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