Announcing Windows 10 Insider Slow Build 16251 PC Insider

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  1. Posts : 4,666
    Windows 10 Pro x64 21H1 Build 19043.1151 (Branch: Release Preview)

    CountMike said:
    With every build, less custom settings are removed but stupid arrows on desktop icons still show up and have to remove them myself.
    :) only thing I have on my desktop is the RecycleBin.

    Announcing Windows 10 Insider Slow Build 16251 PC-desktop.png
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 19,533
    W11+W11 Developer Insider + Linux

    Announcing Windows 10 Insider Slow Build 16251 PC-image.png

    I like to have copies of most of stuff on desktop too. Old school.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 4,666
    Windows 10 Pro x64 21H1 Build 19043.1151 (Branch: Release Preview)

    CountMike said:
    I like to have copies of most of stuff on desktop too. Old school.
    Yes, I used to be like that too, but once I realized my desktop is filled with icons and it all was a mess, I started to learn how to search for apps from START. I now find what I am looking for much faster.

    I even stick all my portable apps shortcuts to START for easy access.

    Edit: Another reason for removing all icons from desktop is that I am on a laptop and use multiple displays. My icons tend to switch places every now and then. And it's a mess.
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 3,954
    64-bit Win10 Pro Insider Build 19569

    it looked to me as though the update came down in two waves..
    at about 40%, my download stopped and the computer did a Defender Update
    - then went back and finished the rest of the download..

    - if that was intentional or not, I don't know..
    - the installation feels very solid and stable, so far..
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 4,666
    Windows 10 Pro x64 21H1 Build 19043.1151 (Branch: Release Preview)

    BugMeister said:
    it looked to me as though the update came down in two waves..
    at about 40%, my download stopped and the computer did a Defender Update
    - then went back and finished the rest of the download..

    - if that was intentional or not, I don't know..
    - the installation feels very solid and stable, so far..
    I also had definition updates coming in during Upgrade. But for me the Upgrade part completed first, then just before reboot, Defender got updated.

    I have no issues at all in this build (RS3_Release). Some .NET apps are still slow due to not being yet optimized by the .NET runtime optimizer. But overall, everything works as expected and in some cases even better than that.
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 19,533
    W11+W11 Developer Insider + Linux

    BugMeister said:
    it looked to me as though the update came down in two waves..
    at about 40%, my download stopped and the computer did a Defender Update
    - then went back and finished the rest of the download..

    - if that was intentional or not, I don't know..
    - the installation feels very solid and stable, so far..
    Yes, prep session does some downloads before main body comes down. There's some upload during that time too. My guess is that UUP is all about, comparing files and settings and maybe sending them to cloud for (maybe) temporary safe place. I don't know if MS ever expalined the UUP process.
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 4,666
    Windows 10 Pro x64 21H1 Build 19043.1151 (Branch: Release Preview)

    CountMike said:
    Yes, prep session does some downloads before main body comes down. There's some upload during that time too. My guess is that UUP is all about, comparing files and settings and maybe sending them to cloud for (maybe) temporary safe place. I don't know if MS ever expalined the UUP process.
    What I am certain of, is that UUP sends detailed HW and Software information to the WU server. If it would not do that, we could easily get incompatible packages and also missing packages. Also while being an insider, WU sends a lot of telemetry data to Microsoft, and there is nothing we can do about that. It's all in the Windows Insider Agreement. (oversimplified: you are free to test our BETA product and help make it better if you agree to send us some hardware and usage data)
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 2,491
    Windows Insider Fast Ring LatestKUuuntu 20.10

    Well I'm working on a clean install of build 16251 (ran setup.exe but had to intervene a few times in order to get my multiboot setup working properly). I must say I'm liking it quite a bit. For example I'm now using FF in an Ubuntu Bash Xwindow. Here's what I do. After installation I first install all the features I want including Hyper-V (haven't gotten around to that yet but the night is young) including Ubuntu Bash which nows installs nicely from the store.
    Then after installing user marty I create the root passwd (sudo passwd root) and run nano on the /etc/sudoers file as root). The exit the root shell and run "sudo apt install aptitude" and then "sudo aptitude update" and finally "sudo aptitude dist-upgrade". Only 26 files needed updating after the installation from Store - if I had just run "lxrun /install" from an elevated command prompt and updated there would have been over a hundred files to update. Then install this program "Xming-6-9-0-31-setup.exe". A small but welcome detail is when the Windows Firewall asks for permission to run the program it defaults to allowing access on Private networks rather than Public networks. Now you can run X programs under Windows. The first program I install is the synaptic package so "sudo aptitude install synaptic" and the "sudo DISPLAY=:0 synaptic" and you can install thousands of Ubuntu programs. Of course many will not work (I know evolution won't) but Firefox and Thunderbird will.

    So looking forward to Fedora and SUSE to be added to the store.

    That's all for the moment Insider geeks.
      My Computers

  9. Posts : 4,666
    Windows 10 Pro x64 21H1 Build 19043.1151 (Branch: Release Preview)

    martyfelker said:
    Well I'm working on a clean install of build 16251 (ran setup.exe but had to intervene a few times in order to get my multiboot setup working properly). I must say I'm liking it quite a bit. For example I'm now using FF in an Ubuntu Bash Xwindow. Here's what I do. After installation I first install all the features I want including Hyper-V (haven't gotten around to that yet but the night is young) including Ubuntu Bash which nows installs nicely from the store.
    Then after installing user marty I create the root passwd (sudo passwd root) and run nano on the /etc/sudoers file as root). The exit the root shell and run "sudo apt install aptitude" and then "sudo aptitude update" and finally "sudo aptitude dist-upgrade". Only 26 files needed updating after the installation from Store - if I had just run "lxrun /install" from an elevated command prompt and updated there would have been over a hundred files to update. Then install this program "Xming-6-9-0-31-setup.exe". A small but welcome detail is when the Windows Firewall asks for permission to run the program it defaults to allowing access on Private networks rather than Public networks. Now you can run X programs under Windows. The first program I install is the synaptic package so "sudo aptitude install synaptic" and the "sudo DISPLAY=:0 synaptic" and you can install thousands of Ubuntu programs. Of course many will not work (I know evolution won't) but Firefox and Thunderbird will.

    So looking forward to Fedora and SUSE to be added to the store.

    That's all for the moment Insider geeks.
    SUSE is already in the Store (2 versions). Remember that WSL is a command line developer tool, not a Linux GUI tool. Though X/GUI works great in most cases, don't expect them all to run ever. I also have/had XMING server installed, and I find the features it brings quite useful when configuring the LXSS-box settings. The GUI tools are sometimes much more convenient than doing it all by hand in a script file or in BASH Shell.

    EDIT: Seems SUSE has been removed from the Store, I can't find it anymore. Maybe it had too many bugs still?
    EDIT: Seems SUSE is in the store after all... :)
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 4,666
    Windows 10 Pro x64 21H1 Build 19043.1151 (Branch: Release Preview)

    Sorry for the mess...fixed...
      My Computers


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