Windows 10 Anniversary Update freezing: Microsoft offers temporary fix

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  1. Posts : 15,230
    Windows 10 IoT

    Has anybody with this issue tried doing a clean install of the AU? I've had some glitches after doing an upgrade to a new build in the past. No such issues when doing a clean install of that build though.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 7,127
    Windows 10 Pro Insider

    I'm surprised that with all the testing from MS and the Insiders that this didn't appear before the AU.
      My Computers

  3. Posts : 1,557
    W10 32 bit, XUbuntu 18.xx 64 bit

    Winuser said:
    I'm surprised that with all the testing from MS and the Insiders that this didn't appear before the AU.
    I always wondered if Microsoft has enough insiders. A lot quit testing since the new requirement of Microsoft requiring a valid windows 10 license to do the betas.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 15,230
    Windows 10 IoT

    groze said:
    I always wondered if Microsoft has enough insiders. A lot quit testing since the new requirement of Microsoft requiring a valid windows 10 license to do the betas.
    I see both sides of that. On the one side, if Microsoft didn't do that, Windows 10 would be free to anybody that wanted it. Many would become insiders with the sole purpose of saving some money. And then give little to no feedback.
    You have to draw the line somewhere. That said, the early testers should have been grandfathered in with Digital Licenses. I think some actually did have that happen? Not 110% sure. More by accident with the AU upgrade.
    Then anybody signing up now needs a License. They have to start charging for Windows 10 at some point. Just my 2 cents.

    How many Insiders are out there? Good question, I have no idea where you'd look for that answer? Some likely left the program when they did a reinstall and it wouldn't activate. I've seen a few posts along those lines.
    I'm trying to remember if this issue actually cropped up in the insider builds before the final AU release? Non come to mind, I'd have to go do a search in the insider section. The only lockups I've had were in IE.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 7,127
    Windows 10 Pro Insider

    alphanumeric said:
    I see both sides of that. On the one side, if Microsoft didn't do that, Windows 10 would be free to anybody that wanted it. Many would become insiders with the sole purpose of saving some money. And then give little to no feedback.
    You have to draw the line somewhere. That said, the early testers should have been grandfathered in with Digital Licenses. I think some actually did have that happen? Not 110% sure. More by accident with the AU upgrade.
    Then anybody signing up now needs a License. They have to start charging for Windows 10 at some point. Just my 2 cents.
    I have always had the feeling that a large number of Insiders(or at least enough to concern MS) only joined the Insiders to get a free copy of Windows to install on their newly built computers. They probably didn't realize or care that MS keeps a record of our feedbacks and participation in the program. As for being grandfathered in; My Insider build is still working and activated and I joined near the very beginning on a HDD with no previous OS.
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 15,230
    Windows 10 IoT

    Winuser said:
    I have always had the feeling that a large number of Insiders(or at least enough to concern MS) only joined the Insiders to get a free copy of Windows to install on their newly built computers. They probably didn't realize or care that MS keeps a record of our feedbacks and participation in the program. As for being grandfathered in; My Insider build is still working and activated and I joined near the very beginning on a HDD with no previous OS.
    There will always be abuse of programs like the Insider Preview, and those looking for a free ride.
    On the plus side, anybody with an activated consumer release can become an insider with a few mouse clicks. And then see what may be coming down the pipe.
    Does yours show activated with product key or Digital License? If Product key, my guess is on a clean install it won't activate. If DL, you should be all set and can clean install and activate. any time you want
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 7,127
    Windows 10 Pro Insider

    It shows Digital License.
    Windows 10 Anniversary Update freezing: Microsoft offers temporary fix-insider.jpg
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 15,230
    Windows 10 IoT

    Winuser said:
    It shows Digital License.
    Windows 10 Anniversary Update freezing: Microsoft offers temporary fix-insider.jpg
    You should be all set then. If you ever have to reinstall/clean install, activation shouldn't be an issue. The Digital License is permanently tied to that PC.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 353
    Windows 10 Pro

    Winuser said:
    I'm surprised that with all the testing from MS and the Insiders that this didn't appear before the AU.
    It probably did, but when you announce a date, you announce a date and perhaps easier to fix with a few million examples of a problem than a few thousand. It's hard to know what Microsoft means by a 'small percentage or small number' 3 million of 350 million is only 0.857%.

    I've been shocked and frustrated by the amount of bugs in Windows 10 given that they have such a program, truth is we are all beta testers of a kind ! Many of these problems are increased by forced updates too
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 72,417
    64-bit Windows 11 Pro for Workstations

    New MS Tool to repair problems with Anniversary Update available

    Immediately after the W 10 Anniversary update, as many of you have experienced, things started to 'freeze' that had never frozen before. It began with any NOTIFICATION freezing in the bottom right of the clipboard and whatever page I was on that was behind the Notification would also freeze. The only way to get things unfrozen was to reboot each time. I called Surface Tech Support and was fortunate to get a fellow in the Redmond, WA support center. He said this was a "known issue" and that MS had created a Tool to fix the issues but that it was testing this Tool so it has not yet been released as part of the new System Update. It worked for me but with a few issues.

    First, here is the official web address to go to. NOTE that there is NO '.com' after the address: (see warning below)

    Windows 10 Anniversary Update freezing: Microsoft offers temporary fix-windowsselfhealingtool.png

    Follow the prompts and it will run through a series of checks and fixes then ask you to Reboot. It may ask you to confirm the time zone you are in. Then, if it has installed correctly and fixed corruption and missing files, it will ask (like it did for me) to check the option to perform a new System Update. I did that and rebooted two times. HOWEVER, after performing these actions which took about 40 minutes on my 512 Surface Book, the MS Tech had me go to the Troubleshooter and run, as Advanced/Administrator, the Troubleshoot problems with Windows Update. It came back that there were still missing or corrupt Registry Files and I was directed to choose the option to APPLY FIX. I did that and all the freezing has stopped.

    HOWEVER... There is a new issue that I believe is a result of this Selfhealing patch. There is now random FLASHING of the screen - the same kind of flash you see when you reload the entire OS either via Recover from the cloud or using a USB stick recovery image. The flash I describe shows the rectangle box that you see in an instant when you reload the OS. MS is aware of this. This had never happened before (random flashing like it is reloading the OS) until I applied the Selfhealing patch.

    The Flashing is happening less today but it happens. I still think applying this process is worth it because all the freezing has stopped.

    My SRX case remains open and Tech Support is following up with me tomorrow.

    I hope this helps.


    Source: New MS Tool to repair problems with Anniversary Update available

    WARNING: Unauthorized, mislabeled Microsoft support tool leaks; could cause more trouble than it cures | ZDNet
    Last edited by Brink; 19 Aug 2016 at 23:28.
      My Computers


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