Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 14901 for PC Insider
In My Insiders Preview(Setting...Release Preview)..this release downloaded to my Desktop & my HP Probook...) this the latest??
Version 1607(OS Build 14393.67)
No. Build 14901 was released yesterday evening. I just finished installing.

It's strange that you're just now getting Build 14393.
Yes its strange....what can i do to take this build??Must i check Windows Updates most often?
Yes its strange....what can i do to take this build??Must i check Windows Updates most often?
Check if you are on fast ring (Windows Insider - in settings). If you are, try to switch to slow (reboot) and back to fast again.. Then check for updates again. Sometimes it takes awhile. :)
ok AndreTen...i will do that..thanks..hope eventually i will get this build too...
Nothing here in the UK yet
10:30 AM Friday.
Oki, done, took longer this time.
nothing here yet usually quite quick to get them
checked to make sure was on fast ring
I still haven't received anything yet.(11:48 Germany)
But I bet it'll come just before I go to work at 13:15
Updates tend to come at the most inopportune time usually. Like just before bed.....
additional: just in case, I'll create a checkpoint on my insider VM, so I can just kill it, if I have to.
Guess not, Fafhrd; I'm downloading now.
Woke up and couldn't go back to sleep, so I booted the computer and checked. Whoop! There it is! :)
Maybe Windows Insiders should be renamed Windows Insomniacs