How to get the Windows 10 Anniversary Update

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  1. Posts : 3,367
    W10 Pro x64/W7 Ultimate x64 dual boot main - W11 Triple Boot Pending

    Here I run with multiple backups as well as having multiple drives and updated images at times. Some of the drives are external as well as having internal drives for storage and backup purposes since nothing is ever 100% fail proof!

    The idea of creating an image right before any upgrade of the OS which is how the updates are now being applied by newer builds is in the event things don't go so well where you can easily restore the OS in full working order in the event the Recovery option fails for some reason.

    So far the Recovery tests here have all been successful while those have been with the Insider Preview builds. Yet at the same time I could have a drive fail completely and even without any image put everything back on 100% while the image option can be quite a time saver if needed. Overall W10 has been rather reliable through the various stages and the manually started update by upgrade method has been going smoothly through numerous builds including the latest update while the WU option with all the new 10 users being seen out there is the source of log jam as far as the Redstone 1 arriving at various locations.
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 7,631
    Windows 10 Home 20H2

    I guess 1607 will never be installed unless I click on 'Restart now'.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3,367
    W10 Pro x64/W7 Ultimate x64 dual boot main - W11 Triple Boot Pending

    That would be an idea! So far the upgrade process unlike what has been seen in the past with OS upgrades including 7 to 10 ending in buggy OSs the transitions between some 15 builds on just the main desktop have all gone rather smoothly. Other then some initial "Newer Version" tweaks and minor bugs 10 has been coming along quite well where now I hardly ever boot into the 7 side of the dual boot! And I wasn't at first ever going to be ignoring W7? As for the 8, 8.1 debacles no thanks I skipped those entirely! 10 so far however has been a stepping stone into "newer".
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 20
    windows 10

    hi everyone!

    I would like to know, if somebody know how its possible to disable only the anniversary update of windows 10, and not all the updates? its possible to filter it by size?

    thank you.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 3,367
    W10 Pro x64/W7 Ultimate x64 dual boot main - W11 Triple Boot Pending

    For that you might have to refer to the same if not similar steps used in Windows 7, 8, 8.1 as far as preventing the upgrade to 10 by way of the System Registry, Local Group Policy, or both put into effect. The guide for the previous versions can be looked over at: Upgrade to Windows 10 Update - Enable or Disable in Windows 7 or 8.1 - Windows 10 Forums

    Note there is one additional sub key present that now separates 10 from the previous versions in the registry itself. The two screens here first for the Local Group Policy in 10 Option Two in the guide and second for Option One shows the "au" sub key you have to open to arrive at "HKey_LocalMachine>SOFTWARE>Microsoft>Windows>Windows Update>au>" in that fashion to disable the OS Upgrade function in Windows itself. That will prevent any newer build from going on while allowing the rest of the regular WU updates to come through.

    First a look at the 10 LGP edit.

    How to get the Windows 10 Anniversary Update-disable-10-upgrade-local-group-policy-editor.jpg

    That shows how things look in 10 and second for the 10 version of Option One where you won't have a reg file available for download a manual edit of the registry to change the "0" value on the DWord to "1" would be required. A full system restart if you leave the system running 24/7 would be required following the change made by either method or both to see put into effect.

    How to get the Windows 10 Anniversary Update-disable-10-upgrade-system-registry-edit.jpg

    The yellow arrow points out the new au sub key there. Note you should still see a system restore point or two created right before any action is taken in the event you want to reverse the course later. For the Group Policy edit that would take a return visit to see that done.
      My Computers

  6. Posts : 20
    windows 10

    many thanks for the quick answer and hard work.

    but I not enough understood, if these steps is:

    1. working even if I already have installed the windows 10?

    2. if it also work with enterprise edition?

    many thanks again!
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 3,367
    W10 Pro x64/W7 Ultimate x64 dual boot main - W11 Triple Boot Pending

    Haven't had a chance to work with the Enterprise edition quite yet. The alternative option that might work at least temporarily without promise would simply be hiding the updates. That is done to prevent a problem update from coming back constantly where you end up having a problem like the unwanted but likely app related language pack that would go on and then right at 100% installed revert everything back which included the other updates available at the time.

    As for the steps in the guide there those go quick and easy! The Local Group Policy editor is fast and simply by simply typing "gpedit.msc" after you press the Windows key with the "R" key at the same time or select the Run command line option with a right click on the Start button and then enter the specified command. I should correct the previous statement from Option One to Option Three in the guide there. Sorry about that one.

    The LGP and reg mod are the two best actual options however to see working results. Initially the Option One was to prevent upgrades to 10 during the free first year offer and not a permanent solution but an option to prevent unintended upgrades into 10 by way of the 10 app that was first seen later followed by the WU updates showing up. As for the main build not secondary remote desktop the anniversary update will remain on until the next general update arrives.

    So far here everything has been kept in working order. The second desktop however still sees the Insider builds frequent there while the laptops 10 and upgraded to 10 will be seeing the 1st anniversary on those as well. The one question now would be why you are skipping the 1st in favor of the next general update? or simply wanting to keep the TH2 from last year going? Insider builds have a short life expectancy being trial ware only.
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 20
    windows 10


    I saw that with the LGP, I can even in enterprise edition, to turn off the recommended updates. but, I not know if the anniversary update, it include in recommended updates. are you can know it? if it include with theses updates, I can disable it with LGP, and i'll have all updates, but not this own.

    please check it for me, if you can.

    many thanks and thanks a lot!
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 3,367
    W10 Pro x64/W7 Ultimate x64 dual boot main - W11 Triple Boot Pending

    The next newer build or updated build would be one found on the list of the recommended to start with since it updates everything. Typical security updates will tend to show "important" next to those.

    Now the thing to note about 10 unlike what you would have found in them is the change of the DWord name of the particular value with "DisableOSUpgrade" set too 0 or 1 as seen in W7 for example which I still keep set up in a dual boot having bought separate licenses for 10. That still falls under the WIndowsUdate sub key there however. So the one absolute winning solution to prevent the anniversary update from being downloaded and installed by way of the WU would simply shutting that function down entirely until either you are ready for it or the next update comes along which would then be the automatic upgrade by update seen then.

    You see the OS upgrade function doesn't change any between editions as it has a slight bit between the previous versions. The LGP and the reg edit combined should be all you need anyways while turning off the WU entirely will be the guaranty that nothing goes on being the drawback there.
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 20
    windows 10

    i'm sorry... but my English is not high like you, and I not understood very well you means.

    I want to block ONLY the anniversary update and I understood that its impossible yet, and I need to select or turn it off completely - or to enable completely the WU.

    therefore, I asked if you think, that I have some option to separate between recommended and important updates? and if not yet, in which build you mean that its will be possible? the next anniversary update - in april?

    2. if you know, now, in which sort of update its the anniversary update? recommend? critical? important or what?

    if you can, please answer me with simple English like me, so i'll can to understand you... :)
      My Computer


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