Here I run with multiple backups as well as having multiple drives and updated images at times. Some of the drives are external as well as having internal drives for storage and backup purposes since nothing is ever 100% fail proof!
The idea of creating an image right before any upgrade of the OS which is how the updates are now being applied by newer builds is in the event things don't go so well where you can easily restore the OS in full working order in the event the Recovery option fails for some reason.
So far the Recovery tests here have all been successful while those have been with the Insider Preview builds. Yet at the same time I could have a drive fail completely and even without any image put everything back on 100% while the image option can be quite a time saver if needed. Overall W10 has been rather reliable through the various stages and the manually started update by upgrade method has been going smoothly through numerous builds including the latest update while the WU option with all the new 10 users being seen out there is the source of log jam as far as the Redstone 1 arriving at various locations.