The link that Cliff showed everyone, works just fine for me using FireFox AND Chrome. :)
I have edge off.....would delete it if I could. :)
The link works when I browse without tracking protection on Chrome.
Three so far with the "learn more" method, none worked first time, one lost the upgrade when I clicked "minimise".
I have a HP Stream nb with a small (32GB) SSD, 13GB free. I clicked the "Learn more" link and got the small update tool exe. It said I could not upgrade to 14393 because I need 20GB free space. I have a 64GB SD card as D:, but it did not consider that. How can I get the update?
Still waiting for the update on one of my five machines.
Anyone notice that system protection was turned off. Of the four I updated, I think three had the system protection turned off. I turned it back on and then created a restore point.
And you are also running the Home edition not the Pro edition which besides region and language may have a bearing on size.
The Media Creation Tool still sees the option to download the "windows.iso" until you custom name the download to other as well as the immediate online upgrade and option to create usb key. Lately both of those fail and the separate page to download the iso separately took being opened in Opera which then stalled leaving the MC Tool as the single iso download option lately.
Both FF and Waterfox kept running into the blank page as well while Opera and Netscape Navigator opened up immediately to it. Opera just opened again days later is now finally finishing up the download of the 8/2 update from the page there. The latest site tracking you type protection added into FF and onto other FF based browsers like the Debian Ice Weasel for Windows and Waterfox project prevents arriving at the download page in most attempts.
Correction: Ice Weasel was found to suddenly be able to arrive at the download page but is now updating plugins as Opera in the meantime is still sssslowwwwwwly downloading the origina 8/2 download! I think those both fell asleep at the switch or something!
Last edited by Night Hawk; 07 Aug 2016 at 17:27. Reason: additional comment