trying to download but gets to 100% then
Windows 10 Insider Preview 14390 - Error 0x80246019
had 3 attempts to download
trying to download but gets to 100% then
Windows 10 Insider Preview 14390 - Error 0x80246019
had 3 attempts to download
I clean installed 14390. It took about 20 minutes. Another 10 for drivers it didn't install.
I have a Samsung PCIe x4 NVMe 256GB SSD. Booting from the POST to Screen about 5 seconds.
I'm using the UK English version. Edge tabs don't close together.
EDIT: It does now.
I don't think they're right, Cereberus. Right now, it's two weeks and three days until August 2, and if memory serves, we had updates almost down to the wire with the November Release.
Besides, there are too many niggling issues to be solved for this to be "it".
My computer is having problems waking from sleep. Gonna have to fix that issue.
eventually got it to download and install
as usual have to reinstall the synaptic touchpad drivers
recovery had to be switch on ( think this was because not set it up since the last update)
Actually I agree - I did an interesting test. I thought that if it was the RTM version, you would be able to leave the Program, and it would not let me even when pressing the link below the defer upgrade selection.
I then changed pc date to 3rd August, and suddenly it let me leave. I thought hey - this is it.
I then tried same on 14388 and it did the same, so my conclusion is MS could designate any version as the official version now, but will carry on bug fixing to as close to Aug 2nd as they can.
EDIT 1: I must have made an error - the date is not relevant. So any you can now leave on any non-watermarked version 14383 (I think) onwards - my conclusion is still the same.
EDIT 2: I believe the great goddess Dona has tweeted there are still more builds to come. My guess is last one will be Friday 29th July, and we all go live on Aug 2nd (assuming we get iso). I do not think will get the actual official release early - just a series of ever converging builds
Last edited by cereberus; 17 Jul 2016 at 04:36.
I've never heard of anyone trying to leave the Program and being unsuccessful. That's a new one on me.
I have seen somewhere that if you leave the Insider Program you will eventually be forced to go back to the last RTM. Can't remember where I saw that, though, so I guess it has to be put down as rumor until someone says yeah, that's true and you can find it here. :)