Loss for Windows 8.1 while Windows 10 makes an appearance

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  1. Posts : 3,257
    Windows 10 Pro

    lehnerus2000 said:
    So what you are saying is that the US Government is lying when it claims there aren't enough people of working age to pay for pensions (except politicians' pensions obviously).
    No, I'm not saying that at all. The figures for Social Security and Medicare are not based on todays population, but rather the population in another 20-30 years.

    Currently, only 13% of the population is in retirement age. in 20 years, that number is likely to be as much as double. 20-25% of the population being of retirement age. Partially because people are living longer, and partially because boomers were are a much larger percentage of the population than the elders before them.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,557
    W10 32 bit, XUbuntu 18.xx 64 bit

    Mystere said:
    lehnerus2000 said:
    So what you are saying is that the US Government is lying when it claims there aren't enough people of working age to pay for pensions (except politicians' pensions obviously).
    No, I'm not saying that at all. The figures for Social Security and Medicare are not based on todays population, but rather the population in another 20-30 years.

    Currently, only 13% of the population is in retirement age. in 20 years, that number is likely to be as much as double. 20-25% of the population being of retirement age. Partially because people are living longer, and partially because boomers were are a much larger percentage of the population than the elders before them.
    You got a subject, I know about. We should have enough workers to pay for Social Security and Medicare it comes out of most people's checks. It use to be the generation before pays for their own retirement thanks to the borrowings of funds that changed It. It changed to the current workers pay for the current retirees, disabled, & survivors.

    current workers pay for the current retirees, disabled, & survivors
    -This should of been a good thing, I still can't figure out why it doesn't work. We have a huge increase in workers that pays into Social Security and Medicare. Most Medicare recipients pay a monthly premium for Medicare and their Medicare supplements. There are people who die, who never draw Social Security as well.

    It would of worked correctly if both parties didn't borrow money from U.S. Social Security/Medicare funds. It should actually fixes itself without reducing benefits. The government actually does have money to pay it back and it wouldn't cost that much. If we can spend billions on war, what a couple of billion to pay back Social Security. I know a lot of people that would be homeless or in nursing home sooner if Social Security stopped or is reduced.

    Yes, the government lies on both sides, nothing new.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 11,246
    Windows / Linux : Arch Linux

    Mystere said:
    lehnerus2000 said:
    So what you are saying is that the US Government is lying when it claims there aren't enough people of working age to pay for pensions (except politicians' pensions obviously).
    No, I'm not saying that at all. The figures for Social Security and Medicare are not based on todays population, but rather the population in another 20-30 years.

    Currently, only 13% of the population is in retirement age. in 20 years, that number is likely to be as much as double. 20-25% of the population being of retirement age. Partially because people are living longer, and partially because boomers were are a much larger percentage of the population than the elders before them.
    Hi there

    Politics apart -- people are (in general) much healthier these days than they used to be. I know 70 year olds who probably could still run a Marathon FASTER than people who were in their 50's say around 1960.

    They could easily LIVE for another 40 years -- so is it realistic to expect people to be on PENSION for maybe TWO TIMES LONGER than they are actually in work !!!. - Whatever your politics this is simply a FACT. Many Humans born today will EASILY live to 100 and beyond -- should a pension and retirement system designed around the fact that people on the whole died at around 65 - 70 still be based on that idea.

    I'm not into Politics here -- it's just FACT - Humans are living longer these days (excluding wars etc). The old "retire at fixed ages (depending on countries) from 55 onwards just doesn't cut it any more -- some jobs probably will mean people retire younger than others but in general this should be an individual choice as to when to retire.

    I.T actually has a very good record of employing older people - as does if I dare say it - the Oil industry and Engineering has never been particularly "agist".

    While as I get older I might not want to work 5 days a week / 37.5 hrs there's no reason why I shouldn't work well into my 80's for say one or two days a week if I can contribute something - and would save Govt Pension schemes also from trying to pay out TRILLIONS in pensions when the money just won't be there any more (unless you all want to pay tax at 95% for most of your working lives).

    Anyway forget about the politics -- lets have a great new year and I'm looking forward to a great W10 release in the next week or so !!.

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,557
    W10 32 bit, XUbuntu 18.xx 64 bit

    there is people whose health gets worse through no fault of their own. My mother help got RA (rheumatoid arthritis) at 66 years of age. At 62 she lost a decent paying job because they wanted a younger worker. Not everyone can work into their 60's. Also, don't forgot the legit disabled people that can't or can work very little. I even have a health issues myself at age 45. I needed a heart valve replacement and maze procedure done. This was in Nov 2013. This is one thing I never want to go through again. I do not recommend awake breathing tool removal after surgery. I was in extreme pain than. I still have afib but I decided to find a Cardiologist who would work with me. I am talking pills which is keeping my rate under control. From what I just found out rhythm from my regular doctor is almost normal. My pulse rate use to be in the 100's not good, now in in the 60's unless doing exercises. I am considering a pharmaceutical cardioversion to get my rhythm under control. I am too scared to do an electrical cardioversion. The rhythm being out sync is very minimal, I don't know if it would be worth the risk, even though that means taking medicine for the rest of my life.

    I do have two other issues that popped up. A mysterious cough and a lower backache. The backache was since surgery and cough I had got worse but the cough is a little better now. I don't need sympathy or empathy. I am just doing this to point not everyone can work into there 60's or 70's or 80's and so on...
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 3,257
    Windows 10 Pro

    I.T. is a very agist industry, actually. There is a bias towards younger workers because they will work longer hours, for less money on the hope and prayer of getting stock options somewhere down the road. In other words, younger workers are easy to take advantage of.

    Older workers want more money for their experience, are less likely to accept "You must work overtime" and want silly things like time to spend with their families. They're also more expensive because they tend to increase the cost of benefits and few bosses want an employee with more experience than they have.

    On top of that, older workers often are resistant to change and their skills atrophy, or at least there is a perception that this is the case (not always, of course, but it happens more often than you might want to admit). If you don't want to move into management, your days are numbered in I.T.
      My Computer


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