Windows 10 comes with the same desktop design as Windows 7 and Windows 8, obviously with small tweaks here and there, but users expect Microsoft to implement many more changes in order to improve this side of the operating system.
For instance, one change that some people want is the possibility of switching to a dark theme for Windows 10, which would make the operating system altogether a bit easier to use for designers and developers who need to spend several hours working on the computer.
And since this is a feedback request, it has already been posted on the
Windows UserVoice channel, and up until now, it has received nearly 900 votes, which means that it has most likely already caught Microsoft's attention.
Why is this needed?Users who posted on UserVoice explain that a dark theme would significantly reduce visual stress, and there's no doubt that for designers and software developers this is indeed really important.
Some claim that, because of the default Windows theme, they spend a lot of time setting up third-party themes on their computers, which not only that requires additional tweaking but also changes the default configuration of the operating system.
Here's what the original poster said on UserVoice:
“Include Dark Theme for the desktop. As developer and designer, dark theme is a ‘must have’ in order to reduce the visual stress. For example Visual Studio 2013 have dark theme, Adobe Photoshop and Autodesk 3dsmax is already build-in dark.”
Others, however, compare Windows 10 with Mac OS X and claim that Apple's Retina display feature makes its platform a lot easier to use for specific user categories.
“Add fresh and Aero based Themes. Better font render, as well as High DPI support like mac. most of designers support Mac OS X for retina display feature. Windows is left behind in this point,” one user said.