Perhaps MS will get it right in the next build, but after installing the 9879 ISO from the Insider page (not the tech eval version), I'm disappointed. This was not apparent in my previous 9879 build (ESD + Windows Updates fully updated).
I liked Win10 before installing the ISO - but now ... methinks they are adding unnecessary steps to many processes just for the sake of change (three or more clicks to do what two clicks did before just to get a Modern app to launch with less capability [no right click run as, or status]). In this case, File Explorer, they're adding something that just doesn't make sense.
Some folks complained about the navigation pane being cluttered and not truly user configurable, but this current implementation is an abomination (IMO)
Who needs two listings of the external drives?
You can't right click remove them, you can't organize them - they're there for some unknown reason.
Interestingly though, you can right click This PC and delete it (same with network) ... however this removes the icon from your desktop, not from the navigation pane.
The feedback I gave was "Woe unto you who dare mess with Desktop users - remember Win8?"
I also suggested that if the intent was to differentiate between local and network drives, then perhaps listing network drives under network was a better choice. But... these are USB connected drives - so they missed the mark.
As an aside, I really don't like the folders listed under This PC either. Give me the choice and I'll be happy to create the user experience I prefer.