I doubt it.. they could completely screw it up, and it still wouldn't kill them. Windows 7 is still viable for another 6 years, Windows 8.x is still current for quite some more.. There are still no viable alternatives.
Linux? Linux has a self-destructive multiple personality disorder. As soon as it gets close to looking like they might get their act together, they self-destruct because various "members of the community" don't agree with the direction... They basically have the same problem Microsoft has, but they don't have anyone to "put the boot down" and they just fork off in all directions.
Apple? Apple doesn't WANT to be the big dog. They like being "exclusive" so they can charge premiums on everything. If they were the 90%, they would be common, and that would destroy the apple culture. They like their < 10% status.
ChromeOS? Hardly, there's been no move by anyone (other than, ironically, Microsoft) to support any real apps on ChromeOS.
So, that leaves Microsoft, regardless of what MS gives us, we either have to stick with what we've got, or take what they give us... Certainly, Microsoft can make more money with a successful release, but they won't die if they don't.