Headsup: This is about Bing in answering a post and not the topic. No need to read if not interested.
Yes. Everyone has their preference. This post will be about why I like Bing vs Google. I may have a few questions about Google search engine and/or page as well so to learn. Would you be as so kind to answer those? Except for the integration in this site I haven’t used Google in years. I changed to Scroogle, then Bing.
1) I’m a Windows user, so I’ll probably get more results concerning Windows and MS divisions such as MSDN, TechNet, MS Community, etc using Bing. I think any company's search engine will “lean/favor” this way. We are in different countries/regions so we’ll get different results too. The first result we got in Bing was directly from MS help on how to uninstall 10 and you call it 'frivolous'? I see Google more or less highlights a few 3rd party sites with a faint line. Does Google get a slice of the pie when people link from that as with their ads?
2) I like Bing points and rewards program. Not only receive various items like Skype time, enter sweepstake drawings, OneDrive space, and other promotions, but can also donate to a worthy cause as well. I get a monthly report with incentives via email. Search Bing. Earn free rewards
3) Bing via OS integration. With my 8.1 and 10 I use WinKey/S to search right from wherever I’m at in my OS. 8.1 brings up a Modern window using Bing to which I can always reference back to. Each result link opens up the default browser tab. In 10 Cortana brings up results in a default browser window or tab using Bing, again getting points. (Does Cortana use default browser search engine to do so?) Therefore, I like the system so far as speed with search tasks in that regard.
I like 8.1 search better. If the Bing page/tab opened results in a different tab, then it would equal 8.1, but it doesn’t, therefore I need to Alt/Back arrow to get original results page. Not a big thing, but a "thing" none the less.
4) Bing home page much better than Google home. Bing gives me/us a pic of the day with info at lower right. Google gives me/us a “white desert”. I know we're there to search, but I might like learning something along the way if I'm interested. My personal interests set via Cortana's Notebook at the bottom of my page. My Bing points count. Links in upper left corner, especially my where it’s linked to everything as seen below plus Skype in the upper right of that page. I see Google mimicked the Outlook matrix in the upper right. What does it link to? I sign into my devices using my MS account, so wherever I go on the MS domain I’m automatically signed in. (Does Google do this via Chrome?) Again, therefore I like the system so far as speed with tasks in that regard.
5) Bing’s results page is better. Gives me choice of time range above the search box if I want to filter results time wise. What’s with the drop-down menu in Google results page there? It’s hiding controls. Is that the same as Bing’s “Related searches” to the right in its result page? I thought it was the browser giving me that menu, but I tried different browsers with the same results. Left clicking on the page doesn’t rid it, but I found the Escape key does. Not a big thing, but still a “thing” if I’m using touch.
6) Call me a fanboy if you must, but I don’t like Google as a company. I feel Google is all about Google and not the consumer. Google is and always has been about advertisement with making their main revenue. That’s their beginnings and remains their mainstay. I realize MS has ventured into this area as well to make some revenue, but I think they have/are creating a better system for the ease of computing whether it be consumption and/or production. Google, and even Apple, don’t come close IMO.
Three’s more, but this is getting rather lengthy. I covered the major bases. Enjoy your Google. I switched to Bing a long time ago. Much better IMO. Perhaps you may want to suggest a different search topic to compare again.
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Last edited by Tony K; 02 Nov 2015 at 10:02.
I am like HippsieGypsie
I Love Bing I very rarely used Google
Have not used it since using Edge Browser
No I don't get nagged, but I think I did a registry disable on it, can't remember. The only nag I get, is if I use some Metro app, that wants you to upgrade. I think the MS Media app does that. But I don't use any of the stock apps. I use my 8 machines to play around with only. But if I want to do serious game playing or programming, etc. I always use my Windows 7 machine.