Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 10576 for PC Insider

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  1. Posts : 963
    dual boot W10 10586th2/14291 rs1 Win. Insider since Jan. 2015

    Joanne said:
    I'm very happy to announce that my blurry text issue has been fixed!!

    I think I will install 10576 as my main OS, too :)
    FWIW I'm dual booting test builds ( presently 10576) and RTM on the same NTFS drive and using 10576 as the daily driver like I have with earlier test builds .

    I have a 150 GB partition for 10576 and the rest of a TB for RTM .

    The 150 GB 10576 partition gives me some breathing and download room in the test builds .

    I store media , most programs and back up anything important to the RTM partisan
    and run a lot of x 86 programs and the media from 10576 using shortcuts to their .exe and folder locations in RTM

    You never know how the next test build will be . I had to delete my std user acct in 10576 I like to use on the web because it got corrupted with the 10576 update .

    I was able to recover the data, bookmarks and configuration info I had backed up in RTM and make a new user acct in 10576 .

    FWIW the 10576 admin acct was unscathed (this time ) ☻
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 16,325

    blutos cousin said:

    You never know how the next test build will be . I had to delete my std user acct in 10576 I like to use on the web because it got corrupted with the 10576 update .

    I was able to recover the data, bookmarks and configuration info I had backed up in RTM and make a new user acct in 10576 .

    FWIW the 10576 admin acct was unscathed (this time ) ☻
    Oh interesting. Glad to know this - I'll have to watch out for that!
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 69
    Windows 10 PRO

    Not reach the UK yet

    Keep waiting.
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 73
    Windows 10 x64 Build 17763.402


    I'm getting this error when WU trys to install this update (Build 10576)
    Insider Hub Feature on Demand for X64 - Error 0x800736b3
    any idea how to fix it?

    did sfc/ scannow , restorehealth etc etc

    thank you :)
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 48
    Win 8.1

    Basically a bunch of nothing.
    How about address the Desktop Icons from shifting to the far left when your monitor is turned on or after reboot.
    How about themeing.
    I have TWO calculators pop up when I press the calculator button.

    I may be cherry picking from a host of bugs but these few things are IRRITATING and go against a basic function of an operating system.
    Seriously, who wants to look at these screen colors for 8 hours a day or have to rearrange your icons every time you turn your computer on.

    What's bothersome is that they FORCED Windows 10 on you by installing parts of it without your consent or knowledge then say you go.

    So if I do go back to Win 8 or 7 I am stuck sifting through the updates and blocking things in order to avoid the upgrade.

    Linux looks better every time I boot this price of crap monster that Microsoft thought people wanted.
    If it wasn't for Fallout 4 I wouldn't be using Windows anymore with these irritations.

    Oh, gee I can mirracast Youtube and go through more DLNA lockdown.
    Does anyone with common sense use anything with DLNA?
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 48
    Win 8.1

    Oh, did they fix that simple little bug that slipped through their fingers of turning MY (2) 4 TERRA BYTE DRIVES RAW!
    Causing a week of 14 hour recovery times and going through 10 different recovery software options until I found ONE that actually did the work which was R-Studio.

    Nice Job Microsoft, that's what I get for using the built in disk manager.
    The basic function of every operating system right down to the Coleco ADAM from 1984 is store files on media and Microsoft even screwed that up.

    Next time you abuse an H1B Visa and outsource to a bunch of Indians then remember this post.
    You created this bed now sleep in it.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 19,533
    W11+W11 Developer Insider + Linux

    Richard Shank said:
    Basically a bunch of nothing.
    How about address the Desktop Icons from shifting to the far left when your monitor is turned on or after reboot.
    How about themeing.
    I have TWO calculators pop up when I press the calculator button.

    I may be cherry picking from a host of bugs but these few things are IRRITATING and go against a basic function of an operating system.
    Seriously, who wants to look at these screen colors for 8 hours a day or have to rearrange your icons every time you turn your computer on.

    What's bothersome is that they FORCED Windows 10 on you by installing parts of it without your consent or knowledge then say you go.

    So if I do go back to Win 8 or 7 I am stuck sifting through the updates and blocking things in order to avoid the upgrade.

    Linux looks better every time I boot this price of crap monster that Microsoft thought people wanted.
    If it wasn't for Fallout 4 I wouldn't be using Windows anymore with these irritations.

    Oh, gee I can mirracast Youtube and go through more DLNA lockdown.
    Does anyone with common sense use anything with DLNA?
    How much time do you spend on Linux ?
    Most of those troubles you list I don't have. I don't get 2 calculators and my desktop icons stay put. Screen colors and other stuff I changed long time ago.
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 963
    dual boot W10 10586th2/14291 rs1 Win. Insider since Jan. 2015

    CountMike said:
    How much time do you spend on Linux ?
    Most of those troubles you list I don't have. I don't get 2 calculators and my desktop icons stay put. Screen colors and other stuff I changed long time ago.
    My desktop icons stay put in RTM on 3 PC here but not always in the test builds .... OTOH Win 7 would shift the Icons around now and then also .

    I'm not thinking about abandoning Windows for Linux although it has a place here for an occasional diversion or recovery tool but not as my daily driver
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 48
    Win 8.1

    CountMike said:
    How much time do you spend on Linux ?
    Most of those troubles you list I don't have. I don't get 2 calculators and my desktop icons stay put. Screen colors and other stuff I changed long time ago.

    Do you use a 4K monitor? I do.
    I have an NON altered Win 10x64 10240 with all the updates and latest graphics drivers.

    Microsoft ignores the basic and updates those things that will make them money such as the apps.
    That is where their focus is.

    Hell, I didn't even mention all the rest of the bugs, just the ones that annoy me the most.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 963
    dual boot W10 10586th2/14291 rs1 Win. Insider since Jan. 2015

    Richard Shank said:
    Do you use a 4K monitor? I do.
    I have an NON altered Win 10x64 10240 with all the updates and latest graphics drivers.

    Microsoft ignores the basic and updates those things that will make them money such as the apps.
    That is where their focus is.

    Hell, I didn't even mention all the rest of the bugs, just the ones that annoy me the most.
    Sure win 10 has some annoying and possibly critical bugs for some configurations and you never know what an update might break .

    I still have the workstation on 7 x64 because of that . OTOH some of that can be attributed to the HDWE vendors being behind the curve with properly working driver updates . I have my bug list also.

    I'm getting a new 55" Sony 4K TV that supports 2160p/60 YbCbr 4:4:4 in here in a few weeks to replace the 40" 1080p Sony that's used as a TV conventionally and a content /multi task extended screen on the PC .

    I would likely have to upgrade at least the dGPU and PSU to accommodate a strong video card for 4K even setting gaming aside which is done on another stronger i7 PC and GTX 670 d GPU here that could likely accommodate maybe some kind of 4K /30/60 4:2:0 or maybe 4:2:2 or 4K RGB limited at least no clue .

    This PC has a lowly HD 6450 dGPU that can manage 1080p HDMI FHD video for the extended screen and QHD for the 27" monitor fine as long as you don't try to game at all beyond something way basic on it .
      My Computer


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